Entries with Names starting with 'C'


Cakkavala Meditation Centre was established in August 2000 by a group of Buddhists who appreciate deeply the teachings of the Buddha and aspire to support each other in the learning and practice of the Buddhas teachings, especially in the area of meditation.
The society has been highly blessed with the strong support and close guidance from Sayalay Dipankara, an outstanding disciple of a great and highly respected meditation master, Ven. Pa-Auk Sayadaw of Myanmar.


Commune of Phsar Dek
Kandal Province

* Establishing school of Vipassana (Insight Meditation) to instruct and guide all Cambodian Buddhists to do good, avoid all evils and cleanse their mind according the way of Lord Buddha in order to have patience and calmness for themselves individually. This could lead all of us prosperity and peace in our society.
* Organizing and disseminating the messages of enhancing social ethics and harmony through:
a). Explaining and interacting directly.
b). Preparing the mini classes for everybody in either inside or outside the Center.
c). Forming the initiative works by sending educated Buddhist monks to abroad and welcoming all foreign visitors who wish to practice meditation in our center.
* Offering alms food to monks, nuns and laypeople who are practicing Meditation in the Center.
* Building a nursing home to take care and give healthy aids to both domestic and international associations, communities and institutes in order to treat those people who wish to study Dhamma.
* Establishing a Talent Pali and Sanskrit Language School, and also national and international literature.


Silver Spring

Strives to preserve Khmer culture, and transmit the Buddha's teachings.


CIMC is a non-residential urban center for the teaching and practice of insight meditation. CIMC’s programs are designed to provide a strong foundation in formal meditation as well as daily practice. Our schedule includes daily sittings, weekly Dharma talks, ongoing classes and practice groups, teacher interviews, and a variety of weekend workshops and meditation retreats. An open invitation is extended to all to stop by CIMC and browse through the library or join in any of the public sittings or Wednesday evening Dharma talks.


The group is hosted by Sanghamitta (Mary Dumka), a retired psychiatrist who has been practicing Buddhist meditation since 1991 and has done several years of training as a meditation teacher.

Sanghamitta’s first teacher was Mechele Calvert, a student of Bhante Piyadassi of Sri Lanka. Her current teacher is Ajahn Sona of Sitavana/Birken Forest Monastery near Kamloops, BC. She has also done retreats with Bhante Piyadassi, Thich Nhat Hanh, Bhante Gunaratana, Bhikkhu Thanissaro and Ayya Medhanandi.


Il CANONE PĀLI, o Tipitaka [triplice canestro], l’insieme delle opere che racchiudono l’insegnamento del Buddha, fu redatto tra il II e il III concilio buddhista tenuti rispettivamente a Vesali nel 340 a.C. e a Pataliputta nel 247 o 246 a.C. Viene tradizionalmente suddiviso in tre canestri (pitaka) in base al contenuto dei testi:  

I) Vinayapitaka, il canestro della Disciplina
costituisce il supporto alla vita monastica del Sangha; è stato redatto in pali nel I secolo a. C. e c’è pervenuto nella sua interezza in lingua originale; degli altri possediamo solo alcune parti o antiche traduzioni in tibetano o cinese. Viene diviso in tre parti: Suttavibhanga, Khandhaka e Purivara.

II) Suttapitaka, il canestro dei Discorsi
contiene una grande varietà di opere che differiscono notevolmente sia per stile letterario sia per contenuto. Esso è diviso in cinque “raccolte” o “gruppi” (nikaya) di testi:

1. Digha Nikaya - Raccolta [dei discorsi] lunghi — contiene 34 discorsi suddivisi in tre gruppi (vagga);
2. Majjhima Nikaya – Raccolta [dei discorsi] medi — è costituita da 152 discorsi del Buddha e dei suoi principali discepoli;
3. Samyutta Nikaya – Raccolta [dei discorsi] riuniti — comprende 2.889 sutta raggruppati in cinque sezioni (vagga);
4. Anguttara Nikaya– Raccolta dei discorsi in progressione — conta almeno 2.308 discorsi raggruppati in 11 sezioni (nipata);
5. Khuddaka Nikaya – Raccolta [dei testi] brevi — comprende 15 testi.

III) Abhidhammapitaka, il canestro della Legge
costituisce il terzo canestro, pitaka, del Canone. Il suo contenuto comprende l’analisi, straordinariamente dettagliata, dei principi che governano i processi fisici e mentali. L’Abhidhammapitaka comprende sette opere: Dhammasangani, Vibhanga, Dhatukatha, Puggalapannati, Kathavatthu, Yamaka, Patthana.


Carolina Buddhist Vihara provides a home in a quiet neighborhood in Mauldin for one or two monks at a time. They live in accordance with the ancient Vinaya strict code of monastic discipline. The monks divide their time each day between personal development in seclusion and offering services to the general public.


São Paulo

Casa de Dharma - Sanatana Dharma Saranam, the Eternal Dharma Refuge, is a Buddhist meditation center.

Since May, 1991 Casa de Dharma promotes practice of Vipassana meditation, and the study of Dharma according to Theravada Buddhist tradition (the teachings of the Buddha).


La Casa de Meditación Vipassana se funda en México en el año 1985, bajo la guía espiritual del Muy Venerable Ajahn Tong Sirimangalo (Venerable Chao Khun Phra Raja Prommajahn). Es entonces cuando se transmiten por primera vez en nuestro país las enseñanzas de la tradición del Budismo Theravada y la práctica de la meditación de introspección Vipassana, legadas por los Theras, o monjes más antiguos, y que son las más cercanas a las enseñanzas del Buda Histórico (Sidharta Gautama). La Fundadora, Guía Espiritual Residente y representante del Muy Venerable Ajan Tong en México es Chakkaratani (Vicky Gurza), quien recibiera la enseñanza y la preparación directamente del Muy Venerable en el año de 1984 en Tailandia. La semilla sembrada desde entonces ha germinado en otros grupos o escuelas de meditación Vipassana.


Practicing the Dhamma-vinaya in the context of a full-blown lay life.

Le Bourget

Le Centre Bouddhique International fut créé en 1989 par un moine sri lankais du Theravada, le Vénérable Parawahera Chandaratana. Il se veut un lieu d'étude et de pratique de l'enseignement de Bouddha dans sa forme originelle et sans altération.

Genève, Cointrin

Le Vénérable Dhammika ainsi que les membres de la Communauté des laïques pratiquants se feront un plaisir de vous y accueillir afin de répondre à vos attentes si l'enseignement de Bouddha (Le Dharma) suscite en vous des interrogations. Si vous envisagez de venir nous voir, il sera toutefois plus prudent d'essayer de planifier votre visite en fonction du programme hebdomadaire que vous pourrez consulter à notre page.


Le Centre de Pleine Conscience s'inscrit dans une démarche qui se veut scientifique et universelle. Elle inclut, complète et ne se limite pas :
- aux méthodes bouddhistes (Méditation Vipassana traduite et popularisée en anglais par "Mindfulness" ou Pleine Conscience en français, Chan, Zen, Mahamudra, Dzogchen), 
- à l'utilisation thérapeutique de la mindfulness / Pleine conscience dans les hôpitaux : MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction ou Réduction du Stress basé sur la pleine conscience), MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy ou Thérapie Cognitive basée sur la pleine conscience) et à toutes les utilisations dans tous les secteurs de la société (mentionnons le travail social, l'éducation deux autres secteurs où la mindfulness est bien développée aux Etats-Unis),
- aux méthodes d'investigation de soi dans les traditions contemplatives non-dualistes orientales et occidentales,
- à la psychologie positive de la psychologie scientifique pour ses apports à l'épanouissement psychologique.


The Centre for Buddhist Studies at the University of Bristol was created in 1993 within the Department of Theology and Religious Studies (above). It is the only Centre for Buddhist Studies in the UK, and as well as the usual undergraduate and research degrees offers the only taught MA in Buddhist Studies in the UK.


The Centre of Buddhist Studies was established in September 2000. It is the first academic centre to focus on Buddhist Studies at the University of Hong Kong and at other local universities.

Belo Horizonte

A Comunidade Buddhista Nalanda é um espaço criado para o entendimento e prática dos ensinamentos primevos do Buddha. Buscamos redescobrir os ensinamentos originais do Buddha, investigando as expressões mais antigas de seus ensinamentos, bem como as linhagens de transmissão dos mestres que, através dos séculos, trouxeram o ensinamento precioso até os dias atuais.


- Textos em Português

- Literatura budista/ Literatura oriental (produções do C.E.B.)


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Mingaladon Township

The meditation practiced at the centre is Vipassana Meditation or Mindfulness Meditation based on Sattipatthana Sutta and the Mahasi Sayadaw method. Meditators meditate from 4.00h a.m. until 9.00h p.m. Sitting and walking meditation are alternated. The rest of the time will be filled with an attentive and slow performance of daily routines such as getting up, washing, getting dressed, eating, taking a shower and so on. It is very important to create a continuous and uninterrupted attentiveness at all times and during every possible activity.

The instructions, interviews, and Dhamma talks of Sayadaw U Indaka are translated into English. When Ven. Virañani is present, she can provide instruction in English, and also understands French. When Ariya Baumann is at the centre, she gives talks in English and can also offer one-on-one instructions in Swiss German, German, and French.


Chanmyay Yeiktha ('Peaceful Hermitage') is a Buddhist meditation centre in Rangoon, Myanmar (Burma) where the teachers are senior Buddhist monks who teach Vipassana (Insight) meditation in Myanmar and English languages. Anyone who takes a keen interest in mental development can practise meditation here, regardless of sex, race, nationality and religion.