Entries with Names starting with 'M'


The Madison Insight Meditation Group is comprised of people with varying levels of training and experience in Vipassana, or Insight Meditation. They focus on the essence of the Buddha's teachings that underlie 2500 years of cultural traditions.


The aims, methods and rationales of the present Māgadhabhāsā (Pāḷi) grammar are as follows: (a) Lubricating access to the information contained in numerous modern Pāḷi grammars written in English by collating the dispersed material contained within them. People who wish to learn about grammatical rules and principles – either on a broader spectrum or at all – are compelled to track them down in the thicket of the widely scattered grammar inventories as separately given by the various available grammars. These works, mostly fine and outstanding works of scholarship in their own right, each individually often contain valuable data and perspectives not found in the other ones, and these are attempted to be distilled and presented with this Pāḷi grammar. (b) Facilitating identification of and providing explicit reference to most of the grammatical rules contained in the Kaccāyanabyākaraṇaṃ (Kaccāyana), the oldest extant Pāḷi grammar, as well as to selected ones from other traditional grammars.

West Bengal

The Maha Bodhi Society of India is a charitable, non-profit Buddhist Association dedicated to fulfill the Mission of our Founder – Bodhisattva Anagarika Dharmapala, and for the propagation of The Buddha’s Message of wisdom, peace, compassion and non-violence towards all beings without discrimination of caste, creed, religion or nationality.

It is the premier international Buddhist organization founded by Bodhisattva Anagarika Dharmapala on 31st May 1891 at Colombo, Sri Lanka. At the onset, their main objective was to use it as a frontline vehicle for the worldwide followers of The Buddha, to have the right to worship the most holy Buddhagaya Temple, in Gaya district of the Bihar state, India – where Prince Siddhartha Gautama attained supreme Enlightenment, thus becoming The Tathagata Buddha. In addition, their objective was also to restore all places related to the life of The Buddha – The Most Compassionate One, to enable spread His unbounded Compassion upon sentient beings all over the World.
The Maha Bodhi’, the oldest Buddhist journal in English is being published by the Society since May 1892. It is through this journal, and other publications like Sambodhi, Dhammadhoot etc. the Society communicates and addresses with the world.

The Society has its centres in India with its Headquarters in Kolkata. It has centres in Buddhagaya, Sarnath, Lumbini, New Delhi, Bhubaneswar, Nowgarh and Lucknow. These centres not only propagate the Teaching of The Sakyamuni Buddha, but also are in social welfare activities and being of service to pilgrims of India and other countries by providing accommodation and necessary services.

The headquarters and the other centres of the society organise the Buddha Jayanti celebration on the auspicious day of Buddha Purnima (Vesak full moon day) and observe the Founder’s birth anniversary on 17th September each year.


Nasceu em 1929 na província de Takeo no Camboja. Graduou-se em Phnom Penh, completou o doutorado na Universidade Nalanda, e participou do histórico Sexto Concílio de 1956. Tornou-se discípulo do Ven. Ajahn Dhammadaro na tradição das florestas da Thailândia, e de Nichidatsu Fujii, fundador do Nichiren Nipponzan Myohoji, um movimento japonês dedicado à paz no mundo. Maha Ghosananda tornou-se conhecido internacionalmente por seu trabalho pela paz, sendo chamado de "O Gandhi do Camboja".

Leh Ladakh

Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC) is a great example of one man's vision turning into reality. Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena established the Mahabodhi International Meditation Center in 1986 to offer both spiritual instructions as well as desperately needed humanitarian services to impoverished people in the remote land of Ladakh.


The Mahabodhi Mahavihara (more popularly known as the Buddha Gaya Temple or Great Stupa) is one of the shrine out of 84000 shrines erected by King Ashoka the Great in the 3rd century B.C.

Buddhagaya or Bodhgaya, being the seat of Enlightenment of the Buddha, is the holiest of the holiest for the Buddhists of the world.


Die MAHABODHI SOCIETY in Bangalore ist eine Wohlfahrtsgesellschaft und wurde vor mehr als 50 Jahren vom ehrwürdigen Mönch Acharya Buddharakkhita gegründet. Sie betreut und unterhält Meditationszentren, Krankenhäuser und Schulen in Bangalore, Mysore, Diyun und Ladakh. Die Mahabodhi leistet ungeachtet der Religion, der Sprachgruppe oder der Nationalität allen sozial benachteiligten Menschen Hilfe.

Die MAHABODHI METTA FOUNDATION (SCHWEIZ) setzt sich für diese Ideale ein. Sie hilft mit, Heimschulen zu finanzieren und langfristig durch Patenschaften und Spenden den Kindern einen Schulbesuch und ein familiäres Aufwachsen in einem Kinderheim zu ermöglichen.


Mahabodhi Society is a charitable organization established in 1956 by Most Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita with sole objective of reviving the precious teachings of the Buddha in the land of its origin, India. Mahabodhi society Bangalore is dedicated for the welfare and happiness of people irrespective of religion, race, color or sex. Since its very inception the Society has been actively engaged in rendering various spiritual and humanitarian services. Today, with the able guidance and leadership of Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita, the Society has expanded its activities in different parts of India and Abroad with the message of compassion. The society has established monasteries for monks and nuns, Hospitals, Meditation centers, Educational institutions and published about a hundred Dhamma books benefiting thousands of people around the globe.

Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU) was established by His Majesty the King Chulalongkorn the Great in BE 2430/CE 1887, and offered the first classes in Be 2432/CE 1889. In keeping with His Majesty's intentions, MCU has become a major institute of Buddhist Higher Education, Research and Community Service, education monks, novice and laity at campuses throughout Thailand.

Yatigal oluwa

Mahamevnawa is an organization of monasteries established for the sake of spiritual development of human beings through the teachings of the Sakyamuni Buddha, guided by Venerable Kiribathgoda Gnananada Thera. 
It is named after the historical Mahamevna garden of Anuradhapura, the cradle of Dhamma in Sri Lanka.
Buddha Vision is the official English website of Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery, which currently has has around 40 monasteries  for meditation throughout Sri Lanka.

See also:


Monroe Township, South Brunswick
New Jersey

Mahamevnawa Buddhist Meditation Center of New Jersey Inc (MBMNJ) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the practice and teaching of Buddha Gotama known as Theravada Buddhism. MBMNJ is a New Jersey (US) branch of Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery of Sri Lanka.

It is our mission to advance the Buddha’s teachings of generosity, morality, and meditation and to enhance the spiritual life of our members and the general public through cultivating friendship, compassion, and wisdom. The services of this organization are open to any member of the public interested in learning and practicing Theravada Buddhism.

MBMNJ’s ultimate motive is to foster a deeper practice of the Buddhist ethics for the well-being of individuals, families and society at large, to help individuals of all ethnic and religious backgrounds to find peace and mental calmness through concentration and mindfulness and to promote the study and application of insight meditation (vipassana) which will ultimately lead to the attainment of Nirvana.

Staten Island
New York

Mahamevnawa is a group of monasteries established for spiritual development through the teachings of the Sakyamuni Buddha (600 B.C.). Our wish is to help you purify your mind and reach the ultimate goal of realization of Nirvana, the true and unbound liberation of the self. The Mahamevnawa has established over 50 branches and provides teaching of the Buddha's doctrine and guidance for those who wish to live by His teachings. Thousands upon thousands have joined us to practice this joyous way of development of the mind and to walk in the path towards true liberation. It has been 14 years since we began our compassionate service for mankind. Dear friends, we invite you to come and see for yourself, the wondrous Four Noble Truths, the Buddha's incomparable way to the cessation of suffering.


Mahapajapati Women's Monastery is located in the hi-desert region of the Mojave Desert. We strive to practice the teachings of the Buddha. We  observe the traditional "rains" retreat, a three month retreat, from July-Oct.
Space is limited so please call ahead to inquire. There are no fees charged at this monastery. Donations are gratefully accepted.


Association formed to support the practice of Mahasati Insight meditation, a technique developed by the 20th-century Thai insight meditation master, Luangpor Teean.


Luangpor Thong is a leading disciple of Luangpor Teean Jittasubho and is now abbot of a Monastery founded by Luangpor Teean in Thailand. Luangpor Thong is in charge of disseminating his teacher 's meditation technique. Luangpor Teean Jittasubho was a Thai monk who developed the Mahasati Meditation technique which allows practitioners to achieve Self-Awareness in the 21st century.


New Jersey

The America Burma Buddhist Association (ABBA) was established in New York on August 19, 1981 for Burmese cultural preservation in America. The association has founded a temple in New York and a retreat center in New Jersey where religious and social activities are occasionally held. The main activities are Waso Ceremony held in July, Kathina Ceremony in November, New Year Celebration in January, Htamane Pwe Daw in March, the Buddha Day Ceremony and Burmese New Year Festival in May. Mahasi Sathipathana Meditation method is founded by the widely respected Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma, whose methods are followed in numerous centers within Burma and abroad. The America Burma Buddhist Association (ABBA) is the USA affiliate of the Mahasi Meditation Center of Burma.


Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization was founded in 1947 in Burma (now Myanmar) with the object of propagating the Buddha Sasana (i.e. Teaching of the Buddha) through scriptural learning and practice of Vipassana (Insight) meditation. 

This meditation center was opened two years after the establishment of the above Organization, with the most Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw as its Principal Preceptor.


The Great Chronicle of Lanka, translated by Wilhelm Geiger.


This website includes writings & talks & essays by Dhammarakkhita Bhikkhu (Mahaviveka).


Provides educational and charitable services, including Sunday Pali School, Amata Free Medical, Sarana Old Folks Home. Many educational materials are available on-line.