Обучение в Бирме

Автор Анурудх, 13:49 24 февраля 2004

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Некоторое время назад на меня вышел наш соотечественник, бурят по национальности, техаравадинский монах живущий в Бирме. Он учится в буддийском Университете (вместе с ним еще учится монах из Санкт-Петербурга).

Вот, что он пишет об университете, и возможности практиковать в Бирме:

The place's name is ITBMU- International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University, it was opened since 1998, this university offers degrees in Buddhist teachings from diploma up to Ph.D. in Buddhist teachings. To say in more details, it offers Diploma, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. in Buddhist teachings. For Diploma you have to study only one year, next two years you'll get BA, three more years of study offers you MA, only then you will have to sit for Ph.D. course for four years. In total you'll spend ten years to get Doctor Degree, what funny thing in this situation is? It is that you can't get MA without staying here and studying for BA. It means that whoever comes to this university, all of them have to start to study from beginning, from Diploma Course. Whatever, this Degree is accepted only in Asian countries- in Sri-Lanka, in India. I think these are the only countries that accept it. I don't know about Thailand, whether they will accept it or not.

Now about accommodations, in this university the Food, Place to stay and Tuition-fee are free, it means that you do not need to worry about finance much, may be for your personal needs only. But I have to admit that it would be wise to be prepared for worse situations. Because on two months holidays you are up to yourself. You may go wherever you want, you want to stay in Myanmar, than you stay but on your own. You may go on tour, or stay in the monasteries, or in meditation centers, it's up to you.

If you are coming for one year, it will be wise to get your ticket with open date, from May to May. The first semester Course will start on 2nd of June, the exams for first semester will take place in mid-october, second semester will start on 1st of December, will end at the end of March. That is whole year Course. See you next time, Sitala (Zorigto)

here's something to add, concerning with food, as you might know, you've been in Sri-Lanka and food over there is not of Russian kind, so the same can be said about in Myanmar. At the beginning it will be hard to adjust yourself to this type of food, therefore you are going to buy some food before you acclimatize your taste, your body for Myanmar.

Now about entrance-exams, it will need you to apply at the Myanmar Embassy in Moscow, something about mid-December, then you will sit for exam in first week of January, approximately on 7th or on 8th of January. Before you sit for exam, you need to know something about Buddhism, just in general. Where Buddhism started, how many Buddhist events you know, do you know any famous Buddhist leader, etc. in this way you may be prepared.

There will be more information about it but later.


спасибо за информацию.

Можете уточнить, пожалуйста, каков этап поступления? Какая программа курса? На каких языках ведется обучения? Чем занят день/распорядок? Какие документы необходимы для поступления? Какой уровень английского необходим для обучения? Сколько нужно с собой денег брать?

Очень, очень интересно.


Я спрошу разрешение у этого монаха и дам вам его e-mail. Тогда зададите ему вопросы напрямую. У него не всегда бывает Интернет, так что надо набраться терпения.


Цитата: GarmiМожете уточнить, пожалуйста, каков этап поступления? Какая программа курса? На каких языках ведется обучения? Чем занят день/распорядок? Какие документы необходимы для поступления? Какой уровень английского необходим для обучения? Сколько нужно с собой денег брать?

См. http://www.thisismyanmar.com/nibbana/univsity.htm

и другие сайты в разделе


Here is an Introduction For Admission into this University
International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University will open in June for 2004(2005) academic year. The first semester for academic year 2004(2005) begins in June and ends in October. The second semester will begin on 1st December and will end in March 2005(2006). those students who are qualified for Diploma course can send their application forms to the Registar, ITBM University, Dhammapala Hill, Mayangone PO., Yangon, Myanmar. Fax: 095-01-650700, phone: 095-01-650702

Those who will submit an application form for the Entrance Examination, must have passed at least the Matriculation or equivalent. Foreign monks, nuns and laypeople are allowed to sit for examination.

Entrance Examinaton
Foreign candidates are required to sit for the written examination at the Embassy of Myanmar in their country, or at the Examination centre in Yangon. There will be two question papers, one in English proficiency and the other on general knowledge relevant to Buddhism. The closing date for submitting application forms for Diploma course is 15th of December 2003(2004). After written examination the person has to sit for an interview at the Embassy of Myanmar. Those who will be admitted have to bring with them a proper and recent medical certificate, taken from any recognized medical centre, showing physical and mental fitness.

Visa and other expenses
Once a foreign student is admitted to the Diploma Course, the Ministry of Religious Affairs will take care of visa and its extension. Tuition and all proper accommodations are provided by the University on free. Travel expenses are not the matter of the University, it is on students care. The last day of arrival to the camp is 30th of May.

ITBMU, Administration Department.

Krome togo zdes uchat okolo 13 predmetov:
Dlya foreign students=1. Dhammanuloma ( brief knowledge on Dhammas), 2.Abhidhamma, 3.Suttanta, 4.Vinaya, 5.Pali-grammar, 6.Vipassana-meditation, 7.Samatha-meditation, 8. Myanmar language, and 9. History of Myanmar.
Dlya Myanmar students= from 1-to-7 are the same, 8.English language, 9.Comparetive Religion, 10.Missionary works.
