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Автор Anatta, 10:13 26 декабря 2004

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Подскажите, пожалуйста! Что это за сутта, где собыия разворачиваются следующим образом (отрывок из "Чему учил Будда")

"Другая часто приводимая ссылка дается теми, кто пытается найти Атман в учении Будды. Однажды Будда сидел в лесу под деревом на пути из Бенареса в Урувелу. В тот день тридцать друзей, все молодые князья, отправились со своими молодыми женами в тот же лес на пикник. Один из князей, бывший неженатым, привел с собой блудницу. Когда остальные забавлялись, она стянула несколько ценных вещей и исчезла. Во время своих поисков ее в лесу, они увидели Будду, сидящего под деревом, и спросили его, не видел ли он женщину. Он поинтересовался, в чем дело. Когда они объяснили, Будда спросил их: "Как вы думаете, молодые люди? Что для вас лучше? Искать женщину или искать себя?"

Опять же, здесь простой и естественный вопрос, и нет оправдания притягиванию к делу натянутых идей о метафизическом атмане или "Я". Они ответили, что для них лучше искать себя. Затем Будда попросил их присесть и объяснил им Дхамму"

Очень хотелось бы почитать продолжение этой истории...


Цитата: AnattaПодскажите, пожалуйста! Что это за сутта, где собыия разворачиваются следующим образом (отрывок из "Чему учил Будда")

Это из Махавагги, история четырнадцатая


Спасибо, Дмитрий, но я немного не понял... разве там не приводится более полное описание, нежели чем:

he talked about the merits obtained by alms-giving, about the duties of morality, about heaven, about the evils, the vanity, and the sinfulness of desires, and about the blessings of the abandonment of desire


Цитата: AnattaСпасибо, Дмитрий, но я немного не понял... разве там не приводится более полное описание, нежели чем:

he talked about the merits obtained by alms-giving, about the duties of morality, about heaven, about the evils, the vanity, and the sinfulness of desires, and about the blessings of the abandonment of desire

Описание довольно лаконичное:


  1. And the Blessed One, after having dwelt at Benares as long as he thought fit, went forth to Uruvelaa. And the Blessed One left the road and went to a certain grove; having gone there, and having entered it, he sat down at the foot of a tree. At that time there was a party of thirty friends, rich young men, who were sporting in that same grove together with their wives. One of them had no wife; for him they had procured a harlot. Now while they did not pay attention, and were indulging in their sports, that harlot took up the articles belonging to them, and ran away.

  2. Then those companions, doing service to their friend, went in search of that woman; and, roaming about that grove, they saw the Blessed One sitting at the foot of a tree. Seeing him they went to the place where the Blessed One was; having approached him, they said to the Blessed One: 'Pray, Lord, has the Blessed One seen a woman passing by?'

  'What have you to do, young men, with the woman?'

  'We were sporting, Lord, in this grove, thirty friends, rich young men, together with our wives. One of us had no wife; for him we had procured a harlot. Now, Lord, while we did not pay attention, and were indulging in our sports, that harlot has taken up the articles belonging to us, and has run away. Therefore, Lord, we companions, doing service to our friend, go in search of that woman, and roam about this grove.'

  3. 'Now what think you, young men? Which would be the better for you; that you should go in search of a woman, or that you should go in search of yourselves?'

  'That, Lord, would be the better for us, that we should go in search of ourselves.'

  'If so, young men, sit down, I will preach to you the Truth (Dhamma).'

  The rich young companions replied: 'Yes, Lord,' and respectfully saluted the Blessed One, and sat down near him.

  4. Then the Blessed One preached to them in due course; that is to say, he talked about the merits obtained by alms-giving, about the duties of morality, about heaven, about the evils, the vanity, and the sinfulness of desires, and about the blessings of the abandonment of desire.

When the Blessed One saw that their minds were prepared, impressible, free from obstacles (to understanding the Truth), elated, and believing, then he preached what is the principal doctrine of the Buddhas, namely, Suffering, the Cause of stiffering, the Cessation of suffering, the Path. Just as a clean cloth free from black specks properly takes the dye, thus they obtained, while sitting there, the pure and spotless Eye of theTruth (that is, the knowledge): 'Whatsoever is subject to the condition of origination is subject also to the condition of cessation.'

  5. And having seen the Truth, having mastered the Truth, having penetrated the Truth, having overcome uncertainty, having dispelled all doubts, having gained full knowledge, dependent on nobody else for the knowledge of the Teacher's doctrine, they thus spoke to the Blessed One: 'Lord, let us receive the pabbaggaa and upasampadaa ordinations from the Blessed One.'

  'Come, O Bhikkhus,' said the Blessed One, 'well taught is the doctrine; lead a holy life for the sake of the complete extinction of suffering.'

  Thus these venerable persons received the upasampadaa ordination.


Here ends the story of the thirty rich young companions.