Перевод "sikkhā"

Автор Ассаджи, 12:32 24 мая 2018

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По словарю Рис-Дейвидза:

Sikkhā (f.) [Vedic śikṣā] 1. study, training, discipline Vin iii.23; D i.181; A i.238; S ii.50, 131; v.378; Dhs 1004; VbhA 344 (various). -- sikkhaŋ paccakkhātaka one who has abandoned the precepts Vin i.135, 167; ii.244 sq. (cp. sikkhā -- paccakkhāna Vin ii.279, and sikkhaŋ apaccakkhāya Vin iii.24; S iv.190; sikkhā apaccakkhātā, ibid.); tisso sikkhā S iii.83; Ps i.46 sq.; Miln 133, 237; Nd1 39; explained as adhisīla -- , adhicitta -- , and adhipaññā -- sikkhā A i.234 sq.; Nett 126; with the synonyms saŋvara, samādhi & paññā at Vism 274. <-] 2. (as one of the 6 Vedāngas) phonology or phonetics, combd with nirutti (interpretation, etymology) DA i.247=SnA 447.
-- ānisaŋsa whose virtue is training, praise of discipline A ii.243; It 40 -- ânusantatavutti whose behaviour is thoroughly in accordance with the discipline Nett 112. -- kāma anxious for training Vin i.44; D ii.101; S v.154, 163; A i.24, 238; ˚ -- tā anxiety for training J i.161. -- samādāna taking the precepts upon oneself Vin i.146; Miln 162; A i.238 sq.; iv.15; v.165. -- sājīva system of training Vin iii.23 sq.; Pug 57.

Sikkhati [Vedic śikṣati; Desid. to śak: see sakkoti. -- The Dhtp (12) gives "vijj' opādāna" as meaning] 1. to learn, to train oneself (=ghaṭati vāyamati Vism 274); usually combined with the locative, thus sikkhā -- padesu s. to train oneself in the Sikkhāpadas D i.63, 250; Vin i.84; It 96, 118; also with the dative, indicating the purpose; thus vinayāya s. to train oneself to give up Sn 974; the thing acquired by training is also put in the accusative; thus nibbānaŋ s. to learn, to train oneself towards Nibbāna Sn 940, 1061; Miln 10; Pot. sikkheyyāsi Miln 10; sikkheyyāma D ii.245; sikkhema Sn 898; sikkhe Sn 974; sikkheyya Sn 930. Fut. sikkhissāmi Vin iv.141; sikkhissāmase Sn 814; ppr. sikkhanto Sn 657; ppr. med. sikkhamāna training oneself Vin iv.141; D ii.241; It 104, 121; sikkhamānā (f.) a young woman undergoing a probationary course of training in order to become a nun Vin i.135, 139, 145, 147, 167; iv.121; A iii.276; S ii.261; grd. sikkhitabba Vin i.83; J vi.296; M i.123; D ii.138; Miln 10; & sikkha that ought to be learnt Miln 10; inf. sikkhituŋ Vin i.84, 270; ger. sikkhitvā Miln 219. -- 2. to want to overcome, to try, tempt D ii.245. -- pp. sikkhita. <-] Caus. II. sikkhāpeti to teach, to train J i.162, 187, 257; DA i.261; Miln 32; PvA 3, 4.

По словарю Кочергиной:

śikṣā f. 1) поучение, наставление 2) знание 3) искусство 4) мастерство в (Loc., -o) 5) Фонетика (назв. одной из Веданг; см. vedaṅga)

śikṣ (Ā. pr. śikṣate - I; pf. śiśikṣe; aor. aśikṣiṣta; pp. śikṣita) 1) учиться чему-л. 2) обучаться 3) предпринимать 4) желать помочь 5) быть услужливым 6) дарить, одарять


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