Перевод "nissita"

Автор Ассаджи, 21:41 12 мая 2010

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Тут, как часто бывает, перевод в словаре Рис-Девидса довольно размытый:

Nissita (adj.) [Sk. niśrita, pp. of nissayati, corresp. in meaning to Sk. āśrita] hanging on, dependent on, inhabiting; attached to, supported by, living by means of, relying on, being founded or rooted in, bent on. As -- ˚ often in sense of a prep.=by means of, on account of, through, esp. with pron. kiŋ˚ (=why, through what) Sn 458; taŋ˚ (therefore, on acct. of this) S iv.102. <-> For combn with var. synonyms see Nd2  s. v. & cp. Nd1 75, 106. -- S ii.17 (dvayaŋ; cp. iii.134); iv.59, 365; v.2 sq., 63 sq.; A iii.128; Dh 339 (rāga˚); Sn 752, 798, 910; J i.145; Nd1 283; Pv i.86 (sokaŋ hadaya˚ lying in); ii.66 (paṭhavi˚ supported by); Vbh 229; Nett 39 (˚citta); Miln 314 (inhabiting); PvA 86 (māna˚). -- anissita unsupported, not attached, free, emancipated Sn 66, 363, 753, 849, 1069 (unaided); J i.158; Miln 320, 351. -- Cp. apassita.

и словарь Кочергиной помогает найти более точное русское соответствие:

āśri 1) прикреплять к 2) покоиться на 3) прислоняться к, опираться на 4) браться за

āśraya 1) опора, поддержка ...

На мой взгляд, самый точный перевод в паре ниссита-аниссита - "опирающийся на".


По этому поводу есть Анатхапиндиковада сутта:



"Yāvadeva ñāṇamattāya paṭissatimattāya anissito ca viharati, na ca kiñci loke upādiyati."

Also Sn 3.12: Dvayatānupassanāsutta:

'' Anissito na calati, nissito ca upādiyaṃ;

Itthabhāvaññathābhāvaṃ, saṃsāraṃ nātivattati.

'' Etamādīnavaṃ ñatvā, nissayesu mahabbhayaṃ;

Anissito anupādāno, sato bhikkhu paribbaje''ti.

Ven. Ṭhānissaro translates as: "One who's independent doesn't waver. One who's dependent, clinging to this state here or anywhere else, doesn't go beyond the wandering-on. Knowing this drawback — the great danger in dependencies — independent, free from clinging, mindful the monk lives the wandering life."

Ud 8.4: Catutthanibbānapaṭisaṃyuttasutta:

'' Nissitassa calitaṃ, anissitassa calitaṃ natthi. Calite asati passaddhi, passaddhiyā sati nati na hoti. Natiyā asati āgatigati na hoti. Āgatigatiyā asati cutūpapāto na hoti. Cutūpapāte asati nevidha na huraṃ na ubhayamantarena [na ubhayamantare (sabbattha) ma. ni. 3.393; saṃ. ni. 4.87 passitabbaṃ]. Esevanto dukkhassā''ti.

Ven. Ṭhānissaro translates as: "One who is dependent has wavering. One who is independent has no wavering. There being no wavering, there is calm. There being calm, there is no desire. There being no desire, there is no coming or going. There being no coming or going, there is no passing away or arising. There being no passing away or arising, there is neither a here nor a there nor a between-the-two. This, just this, is the end of stress."


Из Талапута-тхерагатхи

1139. Dhitipparaṃ kiṃ mama citta kāhisi
Na te alaṃ citta vasānuvattako,
Na jātu bhastaṃ ubhatomukhaṃ chupe
Dhiratthu pūraṃ nava sotasandaniṃ. 

44. Firm, firm in my aim! What will you do, my mind?
No longer in your power, mind, nor your follower.
None would even handle a double-ended sack,
let be a thing filled full and flowing with nine streams.

1146. Ārammaṇe taṃ balasā nibandhisaṃ
Nāgaṃ'va thambhamhi daḷhāya rajjuyā,
Taṃ me suguttaṃ satiyā subhāvitaṃ
Anissitaṃ sabbabhavesu hehisi.

51. I'll bind you by strength to the meditation-base
as elephant to post by a strong rope bound;
well-guarded by me, well-grown with mindfulness,
you shall, by all becomings, be without support.

1147. Paññāya chetvā vipathānusārinaṃ
Yogena niggayha pathe nivesiya,
Disuvā samudayaṃ vibhavaṃ ca sambhavaṃ
Dāyādako hehisi aggavādino.

52. With wisdom cutting off wending the wrong path,
by endeavor restrained, established in the Path,
having seen the origin of passing, rising too —
you will be an heir to the Speaker of the Best.

1148. Catubbipallāsavasaṃ adhiṭṭhitaṃ
Gāmaṇḍalaṃ'va parinesi citta maṃ,
Nūna saññojanabandhanacchidaṃ
Saṃsevase kāruṇikaṃ mahāmuniṃ.

53. You dragged me, mind, as on an ox's round,
in the power of the Four Perversions set;
come now, serve the Great Sage, Compassionate,
He the sure cutter of fetters and bonds.



Из Аненьджа-саппая сутты:

Idhānanda bhikkhu evaṃ paṭipanno hoti: no cassa, no ca me siyā. Na bhavissati. Na me bhavissati. Yadatthi yaṃ bhūtaṃ taṃ pajahāmī'ti. Evaṃ upekkhaṃ paṭilabhati. So taṃ upekkhaṃ nābhinandati, nābhivadati, nājjhosāya tiṭṭhati. Tassa taṃ upekkhaṃ anabhinandato anabhivadato anajjhosāya tiṭṭhato na taṃ nissitaṃ hoti viññāṇaṃ, na tadupādānaṃ anupādāno ānanda, bhikkhu parinibbāyatīti.

Acchariyaṃ bhante! Abbhutaṃ bhante! Nissāya nissāya kira no bhante, bhagavatā oghassa nittharaṇā akkhātā.

"Being sustained, Ananda, he is sustained by the supreme sustenance; for this — the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception — is the supreme sustenance. There is [however] the case where a monk, having practiced in this way — 'It should not be, it should not occur to me; it will not be, it will not occur to me. What is, what has come to be, that I abandon' — obtains equanimity. He does not relish that equanimity, does not welcome it, does not remain fastened to it. As he does not relish that equanimity, does not welcome it, does not remain fastened to it, his consciousness is not dependent on it, is not sustained by it (does not cling to it). Without clinging/sustenance, Ananda, a monk is totally unbound."

"It's amazing, lord. It's astounding. For truly, the Blessed One has declared to us the way to cross over the flood by going from one support to the next.



Khuddaka Nikāya, theragāthā-aṭṭhakathā, 1. ekakanipāto, 10. dasamavaggo, 2. vijayattheragāthāvaṇṇanā

āhāre ca anissitoti yo ca āhāre taṇhādiṭṭhinissayehi anissito agadhito anajjhāpanno, nidassanamattaṃ, āhārasīsenettha cattāropi paccayā gahitāti daṭṭhabbaṃ.

"And not dependent on food" means one who is not dependent on, not attached to, not fixated on food through craving or wrong views. This is just an example; it should be understood that by mentioning food as the primary example, all four requisites are included here.

a-gathita (alternating with a-gadhita) mfn.[ sa. + grathita], not tied (bound, ensnared)

an-ajjhopanna, mfn. (often confounded with an-ajjhāpanna, see ajjhāpanna and ajjhopanna), not addicted to; in the formula a-gathita, a-mucchita + : DN III 46,28 (= taṇhāya an-otthaṭo a-pariyonaddho, Sv), etc., see s. v. a-gathita. an-ajjhopanna