Научные исследования практики Тхеравады

Автор Ассаджи, 11:40 12 ноября 2005

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Одна из ключевых идей Рика Хенсона в том, что для уменьшения стресса нужно в основном функционировать в режиме парасимпатической нервной системы, и лишь при необходимости активировать симпатическую нервную систему:



Meditation States and Traits: EEG, ERP, and Neuroimaging Studies
B. Rael Cahn
University of California, San Diego, and University of Zurich
Hospital of Psychiatry
John Polich
The Scripps Research Institute


In terms of electrical activity (EEG):
1. Increased alpha, more towards the frontal lobes
2. Increased theta, especially in frontal midline areas
3. More synchrony in the alpha and theta ranges, meaning various areas of the brain fire electrical signals in sync with each other
4. Increased gamma, probably corresponding to feelings of joy (piti)

What's interesting is elevated alpha and theta would be considered abnormal and pathological in most people. They usually happen when there's a mental or neurological illness. However, certain kinds of alpha and theta are are related to awareness and concentration, and this is what meditation seems to strengthen (i.e. not all alpha and theta waves are created equal.)

1. Long term mediators (LTM) had more frontal theta and alpha compared to short term meditators
2. The amount of frontal theta correlated with greater bliss and less thoughts popping up.

1. Thicker prefrontal cortex (greater use of any brain area tends to thicken it)
2. Lack of normal age-related atrophy in elderly meditators (brain stayed thicker)
3. Some other brain areas (this area is exploding with new studies)




Еще одна новость об использовании техники внимательности в онкологии .

На форуме-рассылке при Mind and Life Institute Линда Карлсон (ученица Кабат-Зинна и одна из международных лидеров применения техники внимательности в онкологии) анонсировала свою новую книгу

Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery
A Step-by-Step MBSR Approach to Help You Cope with Treatment and Reclaim Your Life

и дала ссылку, по которой доступны предисловие,  введение и две первые главы В предисловии и введении книга представлена как пособие, по которому больные раком могут самостоятельно обучиться технике внимательности, помогающей им бороться c недугом.

ЦитироватьLinda E. Carlson, Ph.D., R.Psych.                  

Enbridge Research Chair in Psychosocial Oncology
Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Health Scholar
Professor, Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine      
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychosocial Resources, Tom Baker Cancer Centre          

Psychosocial Resources – Holy Cross Site
2202 2nd St.SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada  T2S 3C1
Webpage: www.lindacarlson.ca


The benefits of meditation
MIT and Harvard neuroscientists explain why the practice helps tune out distractions and relieve pain.



Джон Кабат-Зинн: Самоучитель по исцелению

Автор: Кабат-Зинн Джон
Издательство: Попурри, 2002 г.
Серия: Здоровье в любом возрасте
Страниц: 496

Аннотация к книге "Самоучитель по исцелению"

Читателю предлагается уникальная, универсальная, подробно описанная программа и методика борьбы со стрессами, недомоганиями и заболеваниями, в ходе которой человек опирается на ресурсы собственного тела и головного мозга.

Мне эту книгу недавно мой друг привез, пока сам не читал, но другие книги автора мне нравятся.

Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness [Paperback]
Jon Kabat-Zinn


Если кому нужен англ. вариант книги могу выслать, русского пока нет в эл. виде.


Хорошая книга, я читал на английском.

Название русского перевода и аннотация забавные.
Программа Кабат-Зинна разработана для применения в лечебных учреждениях, и лишь косвенно подходит для самостоятельного применения. С таким названием перевода смысл программы может так и не дойти до русскоязычных врачей.


Цитата: Ассаджи от 16:55 20 мая 2011
Хорошая книга, я читал на английском.

Название русского перевода и аннотация забавные.
Программа Кабат-Зинна разработана для применения в лечебных учреждениях, и лишь косвенно подходит для самостоятельного применения. С таким названием перевода смысл программы может так и не дойти до русскоязычных врачей.

Наша система здравоохранения здесь в России и наверное на Украине довольно консервативна, поэтому к сожалению, еще не скоро найдутся те врачи, которые захотят опробовать эту методику у себя в клиниках или больницах...

Да, название отличается от англ оригинала:)


International Congress Mindfulness (Hamburg)

-- this weekend!


Livestream: Take part via internet


Speeches and panel discussions will be transmitted into the
internet free of charge in German and English. The livestream starts here on August 18th starting 6 p.m. (GMT +1)

Mindfulness is one of the best-known Buddhist practices today. Buddhists of all traditions see it as a means to gain a deeper understanding of reality and thus to provide more inner freedom.

In the last few decades, the cultivation of mindfulness has been lifted from its Buddhist context and has been made available in secular forms, such as anti-stress programs established by Jon Kabat-Zinn. In these secular contexts to be mindful is simply to do things consciously, to be aware of the present moment. From this viewpoint it is important to focus the mind and to intensify the quality of attention in order to meet the challenges in modern society, e.g. work congestion, stress and pervasive communication.

This congress brings together a broad selection from the spectrum of today's mindfulness practices. It explores the origins and the meaning of mindfulness in the Buddhist context as well as new applications in education, medicine and psychology. The goal is to collect the results of research from different fields and to discuss them in an interdisciplinary venue.

Spectrum of Topics

*Mindfulness in Buddhism: What does ,,mindfulness" mean? How did the practice develop and how is it applied in the Buddhist context today? Representatives of Buddhist studies as well as Buddhist practitioners of various traditions will speak on this topic.

* Mindfulness and education: The application of the cultivation of mindfulness in the education of children and adolescents is a new field of research. The congress will explore the possibilities for the practice of mindfulness as an approach to stress reduction and instructional enhancement in schools.

*Mindfulness in medicine and psychology: What can be achieved by the cultivation of mindfulness in order to relieve stress, depression, pain and cancer? Scientists will report on new research and on clinical experience.

*Mindfulness and neuroscience: How does the practice of mindfulness influence the brain, in particular the mindfulness based anti-stress method developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn? How much can it contribute to physical and psychological well-being?

* Mindfulness and ethical responsibility: How can the practice of mindfulness have a positive impact on the conduct/behaviour of the individual and the society as a whole?


The brains of experienced meditators appear to be fitter, more disciplined and more "on task" than do the brains of those trying out meditation for the first time. And the differences between the two groups are evident not only during meditation, when brain scans detect a pattern of better control over the wandering mind among experienced meditators, but when the mind is allowed to wander freely.




Samatha Meditation - EEG Study

Last year we acquired a 19-channel EEG system and the first recordings of Samatha meditators in this tradition were made during an intensive retreat at the Samatha Trust's National Centre in Wales, during August 2010.



Meditation produces powerful pain-relieving effects in the brain, according to new research published in the April 6 edition of the Journal of Neuroscience.

"This is the first study to show that only a little over an hour of meditation training can dramatically reduce both the experience of pain and pain-related brain activation," said Fadel Zeidan, Ph.D., lead author of the study and post-doctoral research fellow at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.

"We found a big effect – about a 40 percent reduction in pain intensity and a 57 percent reduction in pain unpleasantness. Meditation produced a greater reduction in pain than even morphine or other pain-relieving drugs, which typically reduce pain ratings by about 25 percent."



Mindsight: The New Science of

Presented by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.


This interactive talk will examine two major questions: What is the mind? and How can we create a healthy mind? We'll examine the interactions among the mind, the brain, and human relationships and explore ways to create a healthy mind, an integrated brain, and mindful, empathic relationships. Here is one surprising finding: the vast majority (about 95%) of mental health practitioners around the globe, and even many scientists and philosophers focusing on the mind, do not have a definition of what the mind is! In this talk, well offer a working definition of the mind and practical implications for how to perceive and strengthen the mind itself—a learnable skill called mindsight. Then well build on this perspective to explore ways that the mind, the brain, and our relationships are influenced by digital information flow and also how they can be moved toward healthy functioning.



Mindfulness and the brain

In this final episode Professor Mark Williams and Danny Penman discuss how imaging studies show that Mindfulness may have numerous profoundly positive effects on the brain.



О применении буддийских принципов в выздоровлении от травмы:


"Plot your course with mindfulness " is the first of the 8 Keys To Safe Trauma Recovery. In this interview with Michael Gavin, Editor of the safetraumarecovery.com website, Babette explains how it can be applied by people affected by trauma and PTSD to take charge of their own healing process, and improve their quality of life.


Pathbreaking Findings from the Science of Meditation

As the very last event of the IPPA Conference, Dr. Richard Davidson and Dr. Barbara Fredrickson invited a panel of five scientists to give very brief reports on their own work related to meditation and decision-making: Bethany Kok, Helen Weng, Clifford Saron, Erika Rosenberg, and J. David Creswell.


Open Hearts Build Lives: Positive Emotions, Induced Through Loving-Kindness Meditation, Build Consequential Personal Resources


