International Petition to Protect the Environment of Lumbini

Автор Ассаджи, 09:55 22 апреля 2010

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Dear Sir/Madam:

I write today to enlist your support and that of your colleagues in the
protection of the environment of Lumbini, the Birthplace of the Buddha, from
degradation caused by heavy industry that has located in the Lumbini region
of Nepal.  The environmental pollution caused by cement and steel plants in
this area is degrading local ground water and air quality and has already
impacted local agriculture and public health.  Needless to say, it is also
impacting Lumbini's sacred space.  As you appreciate, many Buddhist lineages
have located monastic centers in Lumbini.

As a consequence, the Lumbini Environment Protection Alliance (LEPA) has
formed to launch an international effort to gather support and provide
direction for the government to follow in order to resolve this issue. LEPA
is an international alliance that includes the Lumbini Development Trust
(established by the government of Nepal to oversee this UNESCO World
Heritage Site), Lumbini Institutions (all the Buddhist monasteries in
Lumbini), and the Lumbini Stakeholder Committee, comprising numerous
Buddhist and non-Buddhist organizations as well as individual supporters
from around the world.  LEPA was established to petition the government of
Nepal for the purpose of protecting Lumbini's sacred environment and the
health of its community.

LEPA's petition describes this issue comprehensively; and makes
recommendations to ensure the protection of Lumbini's environment and its
community's health.  This petition is viewable at the following address:

An abbreviated version of this full petition is available for individuals
who wish to join LEPA's initiative to sign.  To complete this short form
petition simply requires the respondent's name, country of residence, name
of organization (if applicable) and comments (optional).  The completed form
can then be submitted by the respondent.  It is viewable at the following

I write today to plead for your support as the Vesak holiday approaches.
This day commemorates the Buddha's birth in Lumbini as well as his
enlightenment and passing away; and is observed this year in Theravada
countries on the full moon day of May 27th.  Your support will strengthen
immeasurably the significance and value of LEPA's global initiative to
restore the integrity of Lumbini's sacred space for current and future
generations of humanity.

With much gratitude for your anticipated support:

Lumbini Environmental Protection Alliance