Перевод "kāyagata"

Автор Ассаджи, 13:41 20 июля 2009

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Bhāvetabbaniddese kāyagatāsatīti kāyagatāsatisuttante (ma. ni. 3.153 ādayo) vuttā ānāpānacatuiriyāpathakhuddakairiyāpathadvattiṃsākāracatudhātunavasivathikāpaṭikūla- vavatthāpakamanasikārasampayuttā yathānurūpaṃ rūpajjhānasampayuttā ca sati. Sā hi tesu kāyesu gatā pavattāti kāyagatāti vuccati.

Патисамбхидамагга-Аттхакатха 1.123


Pavatta (adj.) [pp. of pavattati] 1. (adj.) happening, going on, procedure, resulting Th 2, 220 (assu ca pavattaŋ, taken by Mrs. Rh. D. as "tears shed"); ThA 179; PvA 35, 83 (gāthāyo), 120, esp. with ref. to natural products as "that which comes," i. e. normal, natural, raw; ˚phala ready or natural, wild fruit (gained without exertion of picking), in cpds. ˚phalika SnA 295 sq.; ˚bhojana (adj.) J i.6; iii.365; Vism 422, and, ˚bhojin one who lives on wild fruit (a certain class of ascetics, tāpasā) D i.101; M i.78, 343; A i.241; ii.206; cp. DA i.269 sq. & SnA 295, 296. ˚maŋsa fresh or raw meat (flesh) Vin i.217 (cp. Vin. Texts ii.81). -- 2. (nt.) "that which goes on," i. e. the circle or whirl of existence Miln 197, 326 (cp. Miln trsln ii.200 "starting afresh in innumerable births," quot. fr. C.), opp. appavatta freedom from Saŋsāra, i. e. Nibbāna ibid. -- 3. founded on, dealing with, relating to, being in S iv.115 (kuraraghare p. pabbata); DA i.92 (ādinaya˚), 217 (˚pīti -- sukha being in a state of happiness).

Gata [pp. of gacchati in medio -- reflexive function] gone, in all meanings of gacchati (q. v.) viz. 1. literal: gone away, arrived at, directed to (c. acc.), opp. ṭhita: gate ṭhite nisinne (loc. abs.) when going, standing, sitting down (cp. gacchati 1) D i.70; opp. āgata: yassa maggaŋ na jānāsi āgatassa gatassa vā Sn 582 (cp. gati 2). Also periphrastic (=gacchati 5 b): aṭṭhi paritvā gataŋ "the bone fell down" J iii.26. Very often gata stands in the sense of a finite verb (=aor. gacchi or agamāsi): yo ca Buddhaŋ . . . saraṇaŋ gato (cp. gacchati 4) Dh 190; attano vasanaṭṭhānaŋ gato he went to his domicile J i.280; ii.160; nāvā Aggimālaŋ gatā the ship went to Aggimālā J iv.139. <-> 2. in applied meaning: gone in a certain way, i. e. affected, behaved, fared, fated, being in or having come into a state or condition. So in sugata & duggata (see below) and as 2nd part of cpds. in gen., viz. gone; atthaŋ˚ gone home, set; addha˚ done with the journey (cp. gat -- addhin); gone into: taṇhā˚ fallen a victim to thirst, tama˚ obscured, raho˚, secluded, vyasana˚ fallen into misery; having reached: anta˚ arrived at the goal (in this sense often combd with patta: antagata antapatta Nd2, 436, 612), koṭi˚ perfected, parinibbāna˚ having ceased to exist. vijjā˚ having attained (right) knowledge; connected with, referring to, concerning: kāya˚ relating to the body (kāyagatā sati, e. g. Vism 111, 197, 240 sq.); diṭṭhi˚ being of a (wrong) view; sankhāra˚, etc. -- Sometimes gata is replaced by kata and vice versa: anabhāvaŋkata>anabhāvaŋ gacchati; kālagata>kālakata (q. v.).


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