Buddhist Center of Dallas

8484 Stults Road

The Dallas Buddhist Center Objectives:
- To offer morning and evening chanting with meditation to lay people.
- Offer lay people the opportunity to make merit by designating every Sunday as a "Buddhist Holiday" where lay people can offer food/alms and decide morning chanting while monks have a lunch. The lay people will receive the "Five recepts" and blessing from the monks.
- Arrange for monks from Thailand to have a hance to visit the Buddhist Center of Dallas as a guest lectures.
- Provides students/visitors programs about Buddhism and Thai language and culture.
- Distribution Buddhist publications, audiocassettes and media information to lay people interested in Buddhism.
- Publication "Dallas San" every quarter for temple members featuring Dhamma topics, upcoming temple activities, and temple donation and income/expense financial statement.
- Provide lectures about Buddhism to any requesting public institution.

Located in: Texas