法住禅林(Dhammavihārī Forest Monastery)是中国上座部佛教僧团住持、传承、修学、弘扬佛陀教法的森林禅修寺院。
法住,巴 利语Dhammavihārī,意谓“正法住立之处”,即佛陀的正法于中华大地的住立之处。又谓“安住于正法的人”,亦即经典所说的只有学习三藏教理、修 习止观禅法,以及证悟道果涅槃的人,才是真正安住于佛陀正法的人。
See also: http://www.theravada.org.cn/
The Society will:
* organize weekly group meditation sittings and monthly weekend retreats.
* foster discussions on how to incorporate the Dhamma into our everyday life and live mindfully, guided by our ultimate core values.
* invite teachers to lead intensive meditation retreats and give Dhamma Talks.
* organize classes to study and gain deeper understanding of the Buddha's Teachings.
* print free Dhamma booklets and materials to disseminate the Buddha's Teachings.
* maintain a website to provide information on the Society's activities, upcoming retreats, and inspiring articles and writings.
Meditation society headed by Ajahn Samahito, who came from Malaysia.
Chinese Theravada Buddhism Dhamma resource.