テーラワーダ仏教を 実践 勉強する人のためのサークルです 毎月第3日曜日に 自主冥想会 茶話会を開いています 参加ご希望の方 歓迎します
Our temple, Gotami Vihara, works as the office, the meeting place for monks and laymen, and as the Theravada Vipassana (Insight) meditation center. You are welcome to visit our temple and free to attend any of our meetings, events or retreats through one year.
Gotami Vihara was established in 2001, and has been open to lay people up to now. The goal of our mission is the propagation of Theravada Buddhism in Japan.
Our Buddhist group would like to invite anyone who is interested in learning Vipassana meditation or who hopes to improve the quality of life by developing his inner peace, love and wisdom. All the sermons and retreats are guided in Japanese. Our meditation master is fluent in English, too.
On this web site, you can find the latest information about the vihara, as well as a collection of articles and essays about Theravada Buddhism, Buddhist chants, and the meditation methods taught by Buddha, which will bring happiness, confidence and the course of your life. We also have a bookstore, which sells books, audiotapes, CDs and videos of the teachings by Sumanasara thero and other teachers. You can purchase them on this web site or at our temple, too.
The Japan Theravada Buddhist Association, founded in 1994, is the youngest Theravada Buddhist association in Japan. It is centered in Tokyo at Gotami Vihara, which houses several Japanese monks who were initiated in South Asian countries; other member temples house immigrant Theravada monks.
サヤジ・ウ・バ・キン(Sayagyi U Ba Khin)の伝統を継承するインターナショナル・メディテーション・センターが6ヵ所あります。これらのセンターは全て、上座(小乗)仏教に基づいたメディテーションの指導と、訓練を提供することを目的として創立されました。西洋にあるこれらのセンターのそれぞれが、サヤジ・ウ・バ・キンによって創立されたミャンマーのヤンゴン市(註:以前のビルマ及びラングーン市)にあるインターナショナル・ メディテーション・センターの直轄下にあります。サヤジ・ウ・バ・キンは崇高なメディテーションの師として尊敬されていただけではなく、1948年の国家独立後、最初の経済相を務めた人物です。