We are very fortunate to receive guidance and advices from our spiritual advisors namely the late Bhante Suvanno , Venerable Sayadaw U Kundala and Venerable Sayadaw U Sumana. Currently, the resident bhikkhu is Venerable Sayadaw U Sumana (from January to June) and Venerable Sayadaw U Vimalacarabhivamsa (from July to December)
As a Vipassana Meditation centre, our weekly Vipassana Meditation sessions is held every Wednesday and Saturday night from 7 pm onwards under the guidance of our resident Sayadaws. There will ten-days Vipassana Meditation retreats for experienced yogis. Besides these retreats, there will be a one-day retreat (8 am to 5 pm) every first and third Sundays of the month. Participants for this day-retreat must observe the attha-sila (Eight Precepts).