Dhammaruwan, born in a traditional Buddhist village in Sri Lanka became known for spontaneously chanting suttas in his early childhood. Having begun his meditation practice in his early childhood with the teachings of Anagarika Munindra, Dhammaruwan has since associated many world renowned Dhamma teachers. He has over 35 years of meditation and Dhamma practice. While still a teenager, in 1987, Dhammaruwan co-taught his first residential retreat with Bhikkhu Wannasara. He was trained for many years under Bhante Henepola Gunaratana Nayaka Thero, during which time he took temporary ordination as Samanera Dhammaratana. Dhammaruwan is a graduate of Insight Meditation Society's Teacher Training Program USA (2005). He founded the Nirodha Trust and the Nirodha City Centre. Dhammaruwan teaches worldwide and brings his students a complex teaching in simple and easy language.