The Pariyatti Book Service is a nonprofit bookseller with a large online catalog of books on Buddhism and meditation from various publishers. Pariyatti is the official North American distributor for the Buddhist Publication Society and the Pali Text Society.
Pariyatti offers some free products.
Wisdom Publications is a not-for-profit publishing company dedicated to making authentic Buddhist works available for the benefit of all.
An Australian bookstore of Dhamma books and tapes about Vipassana Meditation and other teachings of the Buddha as preserved in the Theravada tradition.
The largest bookstore on Indology, from the oldest Publishing House in India.
Inward Path offers a growing catalog of free Dhamma books in their "Inward Journey" series, by such authors as Nyanaponika Thera, Sayadaw U Silananda, and Francis Story. Contact Inward Journey at the above address if you are interested in obtaining books, sponsoring the publication of a particular book, or contributing towards the publication Dhamma books.
Offers an excellent mail-order catalogue of many hard-to-find books on Buddhism. The BCC (located in Sri Lanka) is involved in writing, translating, printing, publishing, and distributing Buddhist books and literature, and also offers classes in meditation.
The BPS is a nonprofit publisher of books on Theravada Buddhism, with an excellent international mail-order service. Their current international mail-order catalog is available from their website. The BPS runs the Nyanaponika Dhamma Dana Project, which distributes free copies of BPS publications to libraries and schools. Publications from the BPS are distributed in the Americas (North and South) by Pariyatti Book Service and in Europe by Wisdom Books.
Buddhist Foundation based in Taipei city, Taiwan. For many years, it has been printing Dharma books, which it distributes free of charge to interested individuals and organizations all over the world. Although the majority of these Dharma material are printed or recorded in Chinese, foundation also offers a selection of material in English, Tibetan, French, Hindi and other languages.