Books by Acariya Maha Boowa:
- Venerable Acariya Mun Bhuridatta Thera - A Spiritual Biography;
- Patipada: Venerable Acariya Mun's Path of Practice;
- Arahattamagga-Arahattaphala: The Path to Arahantship;
- Wisdom Develops Samadhi.
Works by Bhikkhu Anandajoti.
This website has 4 sections:
- Buddhist Texts and Studies;
- Texts and Translations;
- Texts in English Only;
- Prosody: Texts & Studies.
The objective of this website was to develop an interactive, user friendly and easy to understand website filled with Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha information for individuals interested in Basic Buddhism as well as to individuals learning Advanced Studies in Buddhism. The path Lord Buddha set 2500 years ago for people to attain the highest form of happiness (Nirvana) cannot be followed if one is not properly educated. This site strives to provide this education. has provided various Audio, Video, Pictures, eBook files and more to supplement the information. The goal of this site is to educate anyone who is interested in Buddhism and following the way of the Dhamma.
The words of the Buddha and their timeless teaching of truth and compassion bring a reminder of what is meaningful, and bring clarity and insight in the midst of our daily lives. is pleased to offer a daily e-mail service, delivering an inspiring and uplifting quote of the Buddha to your inbox.
- Commentary on the Anguttura Nikaya
- Commentary on the Samyutta Nikaya
- Commentary on the Sutta Nipata
- Commentary on the Udana
- Commentary on the Buddhavamsa
- FAQs on Buddhism
- A Commentary on the "Flood" Sutra
- Quotes from Buddhist Teachers
- Sayadaw U Janaka's Meditation Guidelines
This book has been compiled by a group of people who had practised samatha meditation for some years, and approached abhidhamma as a means to a deeper understanding of both meditation practice and everyday experience. The basis of their study was the Abhidhammattha-sangaha, the book traditionally used in many Buddhist countries.
This page documents the establishment of the bhikkhu sangha in new lands outside the Theravada Buddhist countries of South East Asia.
Many freely downloadable books on Theravada Buddhism by teachers such as Sujin Boriharnwanaket and Nina van Gorkom.
A rare collection of old translations of Pali texts, including Digha Nikaya, Dhammapada, and much more.
Books, Articles, Views and News on Theravada Buddhism. Zolag (formerly Triple Gem Press) is a publisher of books on Theravada Buddhism.
Wikipitaka is an attempt to compile and complete an English translation of the Tipitaka, the Buddhist sacred scripture, and its commentaries in order to enable complete features of online text: searching, browsing, linking, instant editing as well as looking up terms in an online dictionary.
On Leigh Brasington’s site, a collection of sutta translations from Access to Insight in text/data format, for use with Leigh’s own program. While the same texts are available on Access to Insight, Leigh’s database program provides tools for searching in the texts that are not available on the Access site itself.
DhammaVinaya is an attempt to organize and give structure to the earliest known teachings of the Buddha. Although interpretations and commentaries of past and present teachers are of great value, the exclusive focus of this site is the Suttapitaka (Basket of Discourses) and Vinayapitaka (Basket of the Discipline) of the Theravada Pali Tipitaka. Even within the Canon, parts generally considered to be of later origin are avoided. The original texts and the translations are laid out side-by-side, so that anyone interested can check and clarify the translations and learn some Pali in the process.
English translations for several important suttas, some of them with Pali "tooltips".
Maintained by a Buddhist family of Burmese origin in London, this site presents publications and articles written by distinguished monks and lay authors on Buddhism, and cultural Aspects of the Buddhists in Myanmar (Burma). Contains lots of useful information about Buddhism (esp. satipatthana vipassana meditation) in Myanmar.
This Russian-language Theravada Buddhism website contains translations of many well known suttas as well as the Dhammapada. In addition, it has translations of several popular contemporary Dhamma books (in Russian, cyrillic only).
This is a translation of a series of dialogues between King Milinda and Nagasena, a Buddhist scholar. The Questions of King Milinda deals with some of the thorniest questions of Buddhism, religion and existence. The narrative proceeds in a cyclical fashion as the King proposes a difficult question of Nagasena, who responds typically with either a tale about the Buddha in some previous life, or an analogy.
A Buddhist manual of psychological ethics of the fourth century B.C., being a translation, now made for the first time from the original Pali, of the first book in the Abhidhamma pitaka, entitled, Dhamma-sangani (Compendium of states or phenomena) with introductory essay and notes by Caroline A. F. Rhys Davids.
Books include: Visuddhimagga, Vimuttimagga, Abhidhammattha Sangaha, Mindfulness in Plain English, and many more.
The Great Chronicle of Lanka, translated by Wilhelm Geiger.