
Association formed to support the practice of Mahasati Insight meditation, a technique developed by the 20th-century Thai insight meditation master, Luangpor Teean.

Ajahn Chah (Phra Bodhinyana Thera) was one of the meditation teachers in the Thai forest tradition of Theravada Buddhism. He established many branch monasteries in Thailand and his Western disciples have carried the tradition to Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and America.

This site focuses on the richness of the Thai Wilderness Tradition of Buddhism, with the aim of presenting some of the foundational influences of the tradition, along with lesser known dimensions of the characters, teachings, stories and lives of some of the greatest saints of modern times.

Ajahn Sumedho is the senior Western disciple of the well-known Thai meditation master Ajahn Chah. He is currently abbot of Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in England.

Quotations from the book "No Ajahn Chah".

Mogok Sayadaw U Vimala (27 December 1899 - 17 October 1962) was a renowned Theravada Buddhist monk and vipassana meditation master.

The Mogok technique, developed and taught by Mogok Sayawdaw, elaborates on Buddha's teachings and emphasizes on the awareness of 'Arising' (phyit in Myanmar) and 'Passing away' (pyet in Myanmar) of everything, i.e., ( Impermanence or anicca) in body and mind. Sayadaw is known for his exposition of Paticcasamuppada (Dependent Origination), Samsara (endless rounds of rebirth) and the importance of practicing meditation Vipassana.

- Excerpt from Access to Insight - Books and recorded sermons in the Thai Forest tradition.

Ein Übersetzungsprojekt von Freunden der Webseite

Mit soll nicht nur ein Spiegel zur englischen Sammlung von Dhammatexten der Theravada Tradition werden, sondern als deutschsprachiger Ast selbststänig weiter wachsen und auch englische Übersetzungen von deutschen Originaltexten zur Verfügung stellen.

"ZzE" richtet sich ganz nach der vorbildhaften Vorgehensweise von "ATI" und versorgt daher ausschließlich mit frei gegebenen Dhamma-Lehren ohne jegliche geschäftliche Verwertung.

New York

- founded in New York, USA, it has a temple in NY and a retreat center in New Jersey where religious and social activities are occasionally held.

Forest Meditation is a website dedicated to the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha. The main purpose of this website is to share Buddha's teachings with whomever that visits these pages, and also to share info on the temples that the webmaster has personal knowledge of. Most of what you find here is from the Theravada Tradition, specifically Thai Forest Tradition.

A directory to the communities of disciples of Venerable Ajahn Chah.

Here you can find information about Vipassana meditation in the tradition of the Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma (now Myanmar).

Bhikkhu Pesala set up the Association with the help of Christine Fitzmaurice and David Glendinning in 1995 to support those who want to practise insight meditation seriously. The website presents many materials in Mahasi Sayadaw lineage.

- Ajahn Thanissaro's article on the birth, development and tribulations of the Thai forest tradition started by Ajahn Mun and his contemporaries.

A site dedicated to the Forest Tradition of Thailand. Has a number of articles & Dhamma teachings of the Masters plus photos.

International Meditation Centres in the Sayagyi U Ba Khin Tradition in England, W. Australia, E. Australia, U.S.A., Austria, Germany, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands and Switzerland. They offer ten-day retreats in Theravada Buddhist Meditation under the guidance of Mother Sayamagyi.

Here you can find information about Vipassana meditation in the tradition of the Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma (now Myanmar).

Information on the Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation Teachings of Most Venerable Chao Khun Phra Rajaprommajaan (Taan Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo), in Thailand and around the world.

Luangpor Thong is a leading disciple of Luangpor Teean Jittasubho and is now abbot of a Monastery founded by Luangpor Teean in Thailand. Luangpor Thong is in charge of disseminating his teacher 's meditation technique. Luangpor Teean Jittasubho was a Thai monk who developed the Mahasati Meditation technique which allows practitioners to achieve Self-Awareness in the 21st century.

This community was set up as a dedication to the Meditation Teachers of the Forest Meditation Tradition of Thailand.