Find monasteries, centers and groups near you.
Guide to meditation centres and monasteries/hermitages, mostly in Southeast Asia (in German and English).
Here you will find descriptions of retreat places that Dieter Baltruschat and others have kindly gathered and written down over the last few years. We try to keep this information accurate and up-to-date, so that it can be a reliable resource for Buddhist meditators.
Descriptions of Asian Theravada Buddhist monasteries on the "Mapping Buddhist Monasteries" project website. This directory is especially valuable for finding Theravada monasteries in India, and the remnants of ancient Asian monasteries.
This page is a collection of web-pages of Theravada Buddhist organisations or NGOs working with Theravada Buddhists in welfare or social projects.
Register of Burmese Monasteries or Viharas outside Myanmar.
List of 142 centers worldwide.
BuddhaNet's World Buddhist Directory of contact information on Buddhist Organizations/Centers and Temples: The Americas (USA, Canada, South and Central America), Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, Africa and Middle East.