Parts of Speech tagging is the process of labelling the words in the text with their appropriate labels. The labels assigned are noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun... etc. For performing natural language processing, Parts of Speech tagging is an essential requirement. It is very simple statistical model for many Natural Language Processing applications. In this paper, we propose a parts of speech tagger for Pali language. Pali though considered as extinct, has very rich literature comprising works on Logic, History, Medicine, Pharmacology etc. It is an Indo-Aryan language. The general approach used for development of Pali tagger is a Rule based approach. It also presents the tagset used for Pali language. The paper shows the performance of proposed Rule based tagger for a dataset up to 300 sentences / 1000 words. The learning algorithms Support Vector Machine and Decision Tree have been used for measuring the performance on Pali tagged corpus.


 法住禅林(Dhammavihārī Forest Monastery)是中国上座部佛教僧团住持、传承、修学、弘扬佛陀教法的森林禅修寺院。

        法住,巴 利语Dhammavihārī,意谓“正法住立之处”,即佛陀的正法于中华大地的住立之处。又谓“安住于正法的人”,亦即经典所说的只有学习三藏教理、修 习止观禅法,以及证悟道果涅槃的人,才是真正安住于佛陀正法的人。

See also:

Forum with an emphasis on Vipassana method of Mahasi Sayadaw, moderated by Ven. Pesala.

'Discord channel to share Buddhism'', for Sri Lankans ( local and living in foreign countries) to bring them together so we all can learn Dhamma from each other.

Welcome Dhamma Trippers!
It matters not your race, religion, gender, history, this community (sangha) is dedicated for those of you searching for truth, for a way out of your suffering.
No prior background of Buddhism needed! The path shown by the Buddha isn't a religion, it is a simple yet deep investigation into the true nature of ourselves and the world around us.

This server has Mentors. A range of experienced people who are on the path. They will be here to guide you!

Our community's MAIN focus is
✅ Making our lives better & achieving peace of mind through this practice
✅ Nibbana/Enlightenment & the practical path to it

Refrain from bad, do good, watch the mind. There is no need to restrict ourselves with excessive rules. We know that if practiced properly even without ordination, Nibbana is a solid possibility within this life! So please join our community if your interests match ours :)
We host
☑️ Dhamma Talks (the teachings of the Buddha)
☑️ Guided Meditations
☑️ Practical application of the teachings
☑️ Q/A discussions

We value honesty, free thinkers and kindness to all :)
Theruwansarani! (May you be blessed by the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha)

💕Discussing and practicing the path to suffering's end through refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha.💕

We are a kind, compassionate community dedicated to the study and practice of Buddhism for the benefit of all sentient beings. Here you will surely encounter something to aid you on your path to spiritual maturation. Members of all religions and philosophies are welcome, though this server is more oriented towards Buddhism, specifically.

Some features of this server are as follows:

📜Sutta, Vinaya, and Abhidhamma study
📚Book club discussions
🧘🏼‍♂️Group meditation sessions
❔Q&A discussions
📁Free literature, video, and audio resources
🎲And more!

Please feel free to join us in growing a community that values and cultivates respect, kindness, and compassion for the benefit of all sentient beings!

A focused look from the Buddha on a more refined path with a map and outline of stages you've gone through, their significance, drawbacks, building blocks, and how to reach the next step.

Dhammarata is a Buddhist Community for those without a Saṅgha. It includes help for beginners, intermediate and advanced Practitioners. It is Intersectarian and has group practice, discussions on the Dhamma, Vinaya, Abhidhamma and Commentary, and normal daily conversation. It is additionally a support group for fellow Buddhists on the path.

A place to learn about and discuss the secular Thai Forest Tradition of Buddhism and to support one another in their practice.

West Bengal

University of Calcutta as being the first University in India has introduced Pali as an independent subject at the Post–graduate level, and the Department of Pali was established in the year of 1907.The Department was set up in an organized form in 1917.

Dhamma Talks delivered by Late Ven. Amatha Gavesi Thera of Sri Lanka during meditation retreats in Singapore in 1992.

See also:


Commune of Phsar Dek
Kandal Province

* Establishing school of Vipassana (Insight Meditation) to instruct and guide all Cambodian Buddhists to do good, avoid all evils and cleanse their mind according the way of Lord Buddha in order to have patience and calmness for themselves individually. This could lead all of us prosperity and peace in our society.
* Organizing and disseminating the messages of enhancing social ethics and harmony through:
a). Explaining and interacting directly.
b). Preparing the mini classes for everybody in either inside or outside the Center.
c). Forming the initiative works by sending educated Buddhist monks to abroad and welcoming all foreign visitors who wish to practice meditation in our center.
* Offering alms food to monks, nuns and laypeople who are practicing Meditation in the Center.
* Building a nursing home to take care and give healthy aids to both domestic and international associations, communities and institutes in order to treat those people who wish to study Dhamma.
* Establishing a Talent Pali and Sanskrit Language School, and also national and international literature.

Khmer Buddhist temple.


The Uganda Buddhist Centre was established on April 10, 2005. This centre was founded by Venerable Buddharakkhita with the dedicated support of a group of pioneering devotees led by Felista Nampiima and Joyce Nakatte. The primary aim of the centre is to spread Buddhism in Uganda and other African countries.


Dhammainfo is the first ever Buddhism website which gives the readers and writers the platform of reading and writing independently and to discuss and sharing Buddhist religious knowledge among all in Bengali language and for this reason the slogan of the site is “Ideal Information Centre of Buddhism”.

New Guide to the Tipitaka is a reference for everyday readers, students or seekers who want a better understanding of the Tipitaka — a more than 2,500 year old collection of the Buddha's Teachings.

Just as the travel guide is used to navigate the highways and byways and the culture and customs of an unfamiliar country so to this reference guide to the Tipitaka may be used to navigate the Teachings of the Buddha.

New Guide presents both a bird's eye view of the whole Tipitaka and its individual components, along with detailed summaries of thousands of suttas and hundreds of the Buddha's parables.

Anthony Markwell is an Australian Dhamma teacher and meditation instructor who shares his knowledge and practice of meditation by leading vipassana and metta retreats, evening talks, and weekend workshops. Anthony is the founder and resident teacher at Indriya Retreat, a new English-speaking donation-based vipassana insight meditation centre on Koh Phangan, Thailand. He previously lead retreats at Kow Tahm Insight Meditation Centre between 2013-2016, where he guided thousands of meditators through silent monthly 7-day  and annual 21-day vipassana retreats.

Koh Phangan
Surat Thani

Indriya Retreat is a new donation-based Dhamma and Meditation Centre established to take the opportunities of practising vipassana meditation to international travellers. We are located in the jungle off ‘Coconut Lane’, near the village of Srithanu on the island of Koh Phangan. Situated along a small stream and nestled amongst established fruit trees and tropical plants, the 2.5-acre (one hectare) site is secluded and peaceful. The meditation centre serves spiritual seekers arriving on the island in search of the Buddha’s Teaching. The residential retreats are conducted in English and Russian. Everyone is welcome to experience the Buddha’s Teaching.

The Venerable Ajahn Poh, Abbot of Suan Mokkh and disciple of Venerable Ajahn Buddhadasa, is the Spiritual Father of Indriya Retreat. Indriya Retreat and Anthony receive his confidence, support and guidance on a regular basis.

The Inception of Discipline and the Vinaya-Nidana, Being a Translation and Edition of the Bahiranidana of Buddhaghosa's Samantapasadika, the Vinaya Commentary by N. A. Jayawickrama, B.A., Ph.D.(Lond.), Professor of Pali and Buddhist Civilization in the University of Ceylon.

See also:

Dhamma-Vinaya Paṭipadā features the activities of Bhante Joe and the monastics he encounters on his travels.