Перевод "samaṇabrāhmaṇā"

Автор Ассаджи, 08:30 28 января 2019

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Досточтимый Дхамманандо пишет:

ЦитироватьThe commentaries make a broad distinction between those contexts where samaṇabrāhmaṇā is applied on the basis of social status (ṭhiti) and those where it is applied on the basis of personal virtues (guṇa).

In the first sense a samaṇa is anyone who's gone forth into the homeless life (not necessarily in the Buddha's Dhammavinaya) and a brāhmaṇa is anyone born into the brahmin class.

In the second sense there is then a sub-division into those contexts where the application is general and those where it is peculiar to those in the Buddha's dispensation. In the former sense (e.g. in the Sigalaka Sutta) any virtuous ascetics can be called samaṇabrāhmaṇā. In the latter sense it is limited to Buddhist noble disciples and sometimes just to arahants.


Вероятно, он имеет в виду объяснение в Комментарии:

Цитироватьsamaṇabrāhmaṇā guṇehi upari ṭhitabhāvena uparimā disāti veditabbā.

Dīgha Nikāya, pāthikavaggaṭṭhakathā, 8. siṅgālasuttavaṇṇanā, chaddisāpaṭicchādanakaṇḍavaṇṇanā

Пример значения как благородной личности:

Цитироватьso sucī so ca brāhmaṇoti so ariyapuggalo visesato khīṇāsavo accantasuddhiyā suci ca brāhmaṇo cāti.

KN-a Ud, 1. bodhivaggo, 9. jaṭilasuttavaṇṇanā, para. 8