UCLA currently houses one of the top three programs in Buddhist Studies in the United States, both in terms of faculty quality and size and in breadth of coverage.
Based at the University of Sunderland, it aims to act as a focus for Buddhist Studies in the UK, and is open to academics, post-graduates, and unaffiliated Buddhist scholars or interested Buddhist practitioners.
The Centre of Buddhist Studies was established in September 2000. It is the first academic centre to focus on Buddhist Studies at the University of Hong Kong and at other local universities.
The International Buddhist College initially offers a first degree program awarding B.A. in Religious Studies and B.A. in Liberal Arts degree as follow:
1. Bachelor of Arts (Buddhist Philosophy)
2. Bachelor of Arts (Buddhist Historical and Cultural Studies)
3. Bachelor of Arts (Pali and Sanskrit Languages and Literature)
In the future, IBC will also offer Postgraduate degree courses in Buddhist Studies, such as M.A., Ph.D degree research programs and also secular courses.
The Centre for Buddhist Studies at the University of Bristol was created in 1993 within the Department of Theology and Religious Studies (above). It is the only Centre for Buddhist Studies in the UK, and as well as the usual undergraduate and research degrees offers the only taught MA in Buddhist Studies in the UK.
The World Buddhist University (WBU) was established in B.E. 2541 (1998) by a resolution of the World Fellowship of Buddhists. It has, in its organization and administrative structure, four institutes consisted of :
- The Institute of Research and Development;
- The Institute of Training and Curriculum Development;
- The Institute of Spiritual Practice and
- The Institute of Educational System Based on Buddhism;
- The Information and Cultural Exchange Centre.
Presents a selection of
- Undergraduate Programmes;
- Postgraduate Programmes;
- Special Courses Offered to Foreign Students.
The Sharpham Centre for Contemporary Buddhist Enquiry offers a broad education in traditional Buddhist values critically applied to contemporary needs. The nature of this education is meditative, transformative and creative. The curriculum is designed to nurture a wiser and more compassionate orientation to daily life. It aims to enhance confidence and conviction in one's basic values, stimulate a renewal of personal and social vision, and cultivate a deeper sense of connectedness with, and responsibility for, others.
Sati Center for Buddhist Studies supports the study of Buddhist teachings. Our perspective balances scholarly inquiry with serious meditation practice. Our goal is to help participants explore original Buddhist texts and appreciate the richness of the tradition and lineage. We want to facilitate ongoing dialog and exchange among meditators, teachers, students and scholars. Classes -- held at various venues in the San Francisco area -- are small to encourage personal contact and discussion. Our perspective is primarily Theravadin, but not exclusively so.
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU) was established by His Majesty the King Chulalongkorn the Great in BE 2430/CE 1887, and offered the first classes in Be 2432/CE 1889. In keeping with His Majesty's intentions, MCU has become a major institute of Buddhist Higher Education, Research and Community Service, education monks, novice and laity at campuses throughout Thailand.
The OCBS was established in 2007. It is a Recognised Independent Centre (RIC) of the University of Oxford. It promotes the academic study of Buddhist texts, societies, theories and practices within the University. It is committed to maintaining the highest academic standards.
The OCBS also aims to promote understanding of the importance of Buddhist insights across a wide range of academic disciplines; and to work in partnership with leading institutions to apply approaches derived from studying Buddhism to contemporary issues.
The Buddhist & Pali College (U.S.A) is an affiliated college of the Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka and its sole representative in the U.S.A. It was established in January 2006 by the Venerable Witiyala Seewalie the founding Principal of the College. The Buddhist & Pali College (USA) offers a one-year Diploma in Buddhism. It also prepares students for external degree and diploma examinations of the Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka.
The Association of Theravāda Buddhist Universities (ATBU) is an inclusive global network. It unites the people, knowledge and skills of every Higher Education Institution with a specific mission to educate students to understand and practice the Buddha's Dhamma as presented in the Pāli Canon. It provides a framework within which Theravāda Buddhist Universities can:
* better understand each other's policies and activities and be better understood regionally and internationally;
* collaborate in administration, teaching, research and outreach;
* recognize each other's qualifications.