
Dhamma-Vinaya Paṭipadā features the activities of Bhante Joe and the monastics he encounters on his travels.

Blog on Burmese Buddhism.

New Mexico

Stories, Teachings and Reflections on Buddhist Practice.

Travel Guide to the Buddha's Path - free eBook.

Trusting In Buddha is the blog of a British lay practitioner and enthusiastic photographer.


Sutta studies by Alexander Duncan.


The Buddha’s ethical trainings for laypeople have the power to bring about profound transformations. At present these teachings are available, but not readily accessible. To comprehend the words of the Buddha requires a broader context than our consumer culture provides.
There are scores of highly qualified meditation teachers, and many, many books about the various techniques. But there is very little written about the behavioral trainings the Buddha encouraged, and hardly anything directed at 21st century, “first-world” readers. So – here it is.

The posts in this blog are written from a Theravadin buddhist perspective, in the lineage of Ajahn Chah.

Chiang Mai

Blog of Ven. Phalañānī.

Dhamma Blog by Bhante Sopāka.

Theravada practice blog, in the lineage of Ven. Bhikkhu Katukurunde Nyanananda and Ven. Bhikkhu Sri Matara Nyanarama Mahathera.


Empty Bell's resource page on inter-fatih issues. Includes articles, books and links.

Measureless Mind is dedicated to everyone who draws inspiration from the discourses collected in the Pāli Nikāyas and who is motivated to practice the Buddhadhamma and live their lives in accord with these teachings.

This site, one of the oldest Buddhist sites on the web, takes a highly personal and practical approach towards Buddhism. Includes a Buddhist humor section.

Online book that critically examines Christianity and highlights the logical, philosophical and ethical problems in Christian dogma providing Buddhists with facts which they can use when Christians attempt to evangelize them.

Blog by Suvaco Bhikkhu featuring books on history, language and traditions.

This is the Dhamma Blog of Bhikkhu Jayasāra. On this Blog you will find a variety of dhamma related content from the internet in addition to articles and media created by Bhante J.

Bhikkhu Jayasara

Bhikkhu Jayasāra, or “Bhante J” as most call him, is an American born Buddhist monastic who currently resides at Bhavana Society of West Virginia. He was born in 1978 and raised Catholic. He came to Buddhism in his late 20s and officially took refuge and precepts to become a practicing Buddhist lay disciple on Vesak in 2008. in 2011 He took the Eight Lifetime Precepts with Bhante Gunaratana and was given the name Jayantha.

By this point the practice had instilled in him a desire to become a monastic. Bhante J began to regularly attend retreats and weekend visits to Bhavana and learned all he could about the monastic life. While searching for the journeys of people on their journey into homelessness, he found little to no print or video documentation of this journey that would be of use to him on his own, and so decided to document his own journey, both for his own benefit and those who may find benefit from this documentation in the future.

It was at this point that the vlog series “A Journey Into Homelessness”  on the youtube channel “Student of the Path” was born. Followed shortly after by Student of the Path Tumblr Blog  “” . From 2012 to current Bhante J has documented his journey from lay life, to coming to live at Bhavana Society in September of 2014, becoming Anagarika  in March of 2015, his Pabbajja(going forth) ordination to become a Sāmaṇera in October of 2015 and most recently his Upasampadā, or higher ordination to Bhikkhu in October of 2016.

You will find on this blog a variety of things, from continuing documentation on his journey, life at the monastery, to a variety of methods used to disseminate the dhamma, including written, video,audio, and graphical.

Wise reflections by Godwin Samararatne.

Blog about living a deep and meaningful life by Tyler Lewke.

Originally a contract computer programmer by trade, Bhante Subhūti is an American Buddhist Monk with roots in the Sri Lanka and Myanmar Forest Traditions.  He ordained in 2001 under The Most Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadawgyi as his preceptor, a monk who is known for his strict practice of meditation and following the full list of monks’ rules which is very rare in the world today.  In 2007 he chose to go to Na-Uyana Monastery in Sri Lanka which also had similar rules and meditation standards. In Sri Lanka and still as a monk, he went through another ordination ceremony which reset his rains count and therefore, his seniority. He returned again to Pa-Auk in Myanmar in 2012. Three years later,  in 2015, Bhante Subhūti had an opportunity to go to Kauai, Hawaii, USA . He was very close to establishing a monastery but decided to leave for one year to allow the donors to save money. Back in Myanmar, he returned to school an earned a Diploma in Buddhism at the International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University.  He now, officially, has 11 “rains” (years of seniority), but has the combined total experience of 17 years. His heart has often floated back to Kauai and he has now returned again this April 9th to see if the vision of a monastery in Kauai can be revived. Bhante Subhūti is very strict in following the Theravada Buddhist monks’ 227 rules, and has not handled money in 17 years. He enjoys meditation, learning, teaching and collecting his food by alms where it is possible whether it be in Myanmar, Sri Lanka or Kauai itself.  He says, “It works, but you just have to have faith that it will work.”

Buddhist writings by Americam Bhikkhu Cintita Dinsmore.