Articles by Biswadeb Mukherjee


The collection of Prof. Mukherjee articles in honor of his visit to Taiwan:

- Attā, Nirattā, and anattā in the early Buddhist literature;

- The Riddle of the First Buddhist Council - A Retrospection;

- A Pre-Buddhist Medition System and its Early Modifications by Gotama the Boddhisattva(1); 

- A Pre-Buddhist Meditation System and its Early Modifications by Gotama the Bodhisattva(Ⅱ);

- Buddha's Humanism -- Ideal means to desired goals;

- Gotama Becomes the Buddha--Reconstruction of the Nikāya Account of the Path;

- On the Earliest Path to the tathāgatahood: A study in Nikāya traditions;

- Gotama becomes the Buddha--An Analysis of the Nikāya Tradition.

Located in: Academic