Forum with an emphasis on Vipassana method of Mahasi Sayadaw, moderated by Ven. Pesala.
Thai Forest Buddhism subreddit.
Theravada subreddit that has good content posted regularly.
Buddhism Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people practicing or interested in Buddhist philosophy, teaching, and practice. It's 100% free, no registration required.
Sangham Dhamma-Vinaya Forum is a try to erect a virtual Vihara (a monastery which is usable to set out Vinaya procedures) and should be offered to the monastic Sangha later on.
It's an independent laity project and exclusively supported by direct involved voluntary working people.
Next to this maybe particular intention this board should be an unforced place to discover Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha and a place to practice, exchange knowledge and experience as well as to study the teachings. After all the main focus is lesser to create something special outwardly but to support each other in regard of the training.
It is now running as an experimental building side and will be moved to its mother site later on.
Please in no way hesitate to participate, criticise and contribute your ideas!
You are the one who makes it moving on or not.
Thanks to all who had supported it till here and which is also done with your interest and time you spent her to read. Thanks.
metta & mudita
The site has been home to a changing community of meditation practitioners since October 2007.