Online Books

Probably written in Pāli in Sri Lanka during the first century AD, the Vimuttimagga survived only in Chinese translation, from which the present rendering has been made. Ascribed to the Arahant Upatissa, the work is a meditation manual similar to the later Visuddhimagga, less analytical and more practical in its treatment of meditation.

Talks of Ven. Pemasiri Thera with his student David Young about practical aspects of Buddha Dhamma at the Sumathipàla Na Himi Dhama Center in Kanduboda (Sri Lanka).




A comprehensive introduction to the life and teachings of the Buddha according to the Theravadin School.

A revised and reconstructed translation of the Jātaka commentary, which tells of the previous lives of the Buddha, and his quest for Awakening.

Translated by T. W. Rhys Davids, Robert Chalmers, H.T. Francis, W.H.D. Rouse and E.B. Cowell 1880 – 1907.

New Mexico

Travel Guide to the Buddha’s Path

by Eric K. Van Horn

The Buddha’s training in conduct, meditation and understanding.

An outline of the teachings of the Buddha in the words of the Pali Canon, compiled, translated, and explained by Nyanatiloka.


A new rendering of the Dhammapada in English by Allan R. Bomhard.

Books by Acariya Maha Boowa:

- Venerable Acariya Mun Bhuridatta Thera - A Spiritual Biography;

- Patipada: Venerable Acariya Mun's Path of Practice;

- Arahattamagga-Arahattaphala: The Path to Arahantship;

- Wisdom Develops Samadhi.

- Commentary on the Anguttura Nikaya
- Commentary on the Samyutta Nikaya
- Commentary on the Sutta Nipata
- Commentary on the Udana
- Commentary on the Buddhavamsa
- FAQs on Buddhism
- A Commentary on the "Flood" Sutra
- Quotes from Buddhist Teachers
- Sayadaw U Janaka's Meditation Guidelines

This book has been compiled by a group of people who had practised samatha meditation for some years, and approached abhidhamma as a means to a deeper understanding of both meditation practice and everyday experience. The basis of their study was the Abhidhammattha-sangaha, the book traditionally used in many Buddhist countries.

This is a translation of a series of dialogues between King Milinda and Nagasena, a Buddhist scholar. The Questions of King Milinda deals with some of the thorniest questions of Buddhism, religion and existence. The narrative proceeds in a cyclical fashion as the King proposes a difficult question of Nagasena, who responds typically with either a tale about the Buddha in some previous life, or an analogy.

The Great Chronicle of Lanka, translated by Wilhelm Geiger.

Jataka stories, translated by Robert Chalmers [1895].

First two volumes of full six-volume translation.

A guide to mindfulness and Vipassana meditation as taught by Luangpor Pramote.

Books by Phra Pramote Pamojjo:

- Path to Enlightment I;

-- For You, The Newcomer: A Simple and Ordinary Essay on Dhamma (in English);

-- For You, The Newcomer (in Japanese);

- Path to Enlightment II;

- Path of Freedom.

Books of Law of Karma & Dhamma Practice had been produced by Wat Ambhavan, Singhburi, Thailand. In these books contains the stories of biography of Phra Dhepsinghaburajara (Luang Paw Jarun Dhidhadhammo), the abbot of Wat Ambhavan, experiences in dhamma practice, Phra Dhepsinghaburajaras karma, and other dhamma lectures by Phra Dhepsinghaburaja.

An Account by the Chinese Monk Fa-Hien of his Travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in Search of the Buddhist Books of Discipline.

Translated and annotated with a Corean recension of the Chinese text by James Legge.

A book by Venerable Ajahn Sumedho on The Four Noble Truths, the central teaching of the Buddha: that the unhappiness of humanity can be overcome through spiritual means.

This book by Bhikkhu Ariyesako provides a very readable summary of the bhikkhus' (monks') rules, with a particular emphasis on giving laypeople a better understanding of the monks' way of life. Included also are questions-and-answers concerning the proper etiquette for laypeople when in the company of monks, examples of the particular customs and rules of etiquette that apply at specific Theravada monasteries, and a wealth of other valuable information.

First written in 1987 and now translated into over 14 languages, Good Question Good Answer provides clear, thoughtful and lively answers to more than 130 commonly asked questions about Buddhism.


Online book. A rendering by Ven. S. Dhammika & links concerning Buddhism, esp. in India.