Probably written in Pāli in Sri Lanka during the first century AD, the Vimuttimagga survived only in Chinese translation, from which the present rendering has been made. Ascribed to the Arahant Upatissa, the work is a meditation manual similar to the later Visuddhimagga, less analytical and more practical in its treatment of meditation.
Talks of Ven. Pemasiri Thera with his student David Young about practical aspects of Buddha Dhamma at the Sumathipàla Na Himi Dhama Center in Kanduboda (Sri Lanka).
Dhammapada verses with stories of occasions when they have been uttered by the Buddha, in the translation of Daw Mya Tin.
A comprehensive introduction to the life and teachings of the Buddha according to the Theravadin School.
The site for everything about Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Tipitaka, lessons in Pali, Dhamma articles in English and Sinhala, extensive listings of viharas and meditation centres.
Pali, Sinhala and English texts of Tipitaka.
A revised and reconstructed translation of the Jātaka commentary, which tells of the previous lives of the Buddha, and his quest for Awakening.
Translated by T. W. Rhys Davids, Robert Chalmers, H.T. Francis, W.H.D. Rouse and E.B. Cowell 1880 – 1907.
Satimā | Study and practise Dhamma - the Teachings of the Buddha ..."ātāpī sampajāno satimā".
Satimā is one of the biggest Dhamma stores where you can find Tipitaka (the Buddha's teachings) in Pali, English, Thai, Burmese, Vietnamese, Devanagari, Malayalam... languages and thousands of ebooks, audios, videos, thumbnails, quotes, discoures, meditation guidelines (anapana, vipassana, metta), online pali classes, sutta & abhidhamma classes... and also Online Pali Dictionary.
New Guide to the Tipitaka is a reference for everyday readers, students or seekers who want a better understanding of the Tipitaka — a more than 2,500 year old collection of the Buddha's Teachings.
Just as the travel guide is used to navigate the highways and byways and the culture and customs of an unfamiliar country so to this reference guide to the Tipitaka may be used to navigate the Teachings of the Buddha.
New Guide presents both a bird's eye view of the whole Tipitaka and its individual components, along with detailed summaries of thousands of suttas and hundreds of the Buddha's parables.
The Inception of Discipline and the Vinaya-Nidana, Being a Translation and Edition of the Bahiranidana of Buddhaghosa's Samantapasadika, the Vinaya Commentary by N. A. Jayawickrama, B.A., Ph.D.(Lond.), Professor of Pali and Buddhist Civilization in the University of Ceylon.
See also: is a website aiming to provide accurate, reliable, and useful information concerning the study and practice of Abhidhamma, as it has been handed down to us through both the written word of the Pāḷi-Canon and the living example of the Saṅgha, especially in Myanmar (Burma).
Lots of Dhamma works, such as "Getting To Know Buddhism", well written works of Ven. P. A. Payutto and others, on a great variety of different aspects of Buddhism.
Extensive library on:
Travel Guide to the Buddha’s Path
by Eric K. Van Horn
The Buddha’s training in conduct, meditation and understanding.
An outline of the teachings of the Buddha in the words of the Pali Canon, compiled, translated, and explained by Nyanatiloka.
A new rendering of the Dhammapada in English by Allan R. Bomhard.
Dhammapada or way of Righteousness, is the name of one of the canonical books of the Buddhist sacred scriptures. It is written in the Pali language. It consists of 423 stanzas. These are reputed to be the very words of Buddha. The Dhammapada commentary (in Pali Dhammapad-Attha-katha) is ascribed to Buddhaghosa, the greatest of all the Buddhist scholastics. This ascription is without due warrant, as appears from translator's introduction. The commentary purports to tell us "where, when, why, for what purpose, with reference to what situation, with reference to what person or persons," Buddha uttered each one of these stanzas. In so doing, the author of the commentary narrates 299 legends or stories. These stories are the preponderating element of the commentary, and it are these which are here translated.
Translated from the original Pāli text of the Dhammapada Commentary by Eugene Watson Burlingame, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; sometime Harrison Fellow for Research, University of Pennsylvania, and Johnston Scholar in Sanskrit, Johns Hopkins University; Lecturer on Pāli (1917-1918) in Yale University.
See also:
Highly Recommended! A well-compiled digital library containing hundreds of well-written Buddhist essays and electronic books about the Buddha's Teaching in English and Vietnamese.
Pāli texts translated to English – Nettippakaraṇa, Paṭisambhidāmagga.
Online book. A definitive guide to the Burmese 6th Buddhist Council edition of the Pali Scriptures written by U Ko Lay.