BuddhismVision teaches you the reality of this universe as taught by Lord Buddha to help you reach Nirvana on your own phase. We explain Buddha Dharma, How to attain Sotapanna stage, how to get Buddhist Treatments to minimize the impact of your troubles and a lot more.
Pali, Sinhala and English texts of Tipitaka.
This site is a non-profit and non-profit website established by Theravada Buddhist netizens.
All the contents of the website are designed to guide all living beings to eliminate suffering.
Dhammainfo is the first ever Buddhism website which gives the readers and writers the platform of reading and writing independently and to discuss and sharing Buddhist religious knowledge among all in Bengali language and for this reason the slogan of the site is “Ideal Information Centre of Buddhism”.
Dhamma da Floresta: Ensinamentos dos mestres da Tradição da Foresta do Budismo Theravada.
É um site mantido por Ajahn Mudito, um monge theravada brasileiro que se ordenou na tailândia por volta de 2003. O conteúdo do site é composto por vídeos com áudios de palestras de grandes mestres tailandeses, como Ajahn Chah, Ajahn Piak, Ajahn Maha Bua; que foram traduzidas diretamente do tailandês para o português. Os vídeos são compostos por: áudio da palestra em tailandês + fotos aleatórias com legenda em portugues.
A website kept by Ajahn Mudito, a Brazilian Theravada monk who ordained in Thailand around 2003. The website contains videos with audios of talks given by great Thai masters, like Ajahn Chah, Ajahn Piak, Ajahn Maha Boowa, which were translated directly from Thai to Portuguese. The videos are usually composed of random pictures, while the audio is in Thai and the subtitles in Portuguese.
Online Pali Tripitaka and Sinhala Translations.
Programmes are televised and transmitted throughout the day and night, from the studios at Sri Sambodhi Viharaya, which is situated at Gregory's Road, Colombo 7.
The Sri Sambodhi Viharaya was established to disseminate the Dhamma and to create an awareness of the sacred teachings of the Supremely Enlightened Buddha, within Sri Lanka and throughout the world.
The sublime words of the Buddha, generate peace of mind and tranquility and the content focuses on the philosophical aspects of the Dhamma.
パーリ語というのは、スリランカ、ビルマ(ミャンマー)、タイ、ラオス、カンボジアなどに伝わった南伝仏教の聖典 に使用されている言語です。サンスクリット同様に仏教研究の上で重要な言語で、仏教学部のある大学では必ず講座があるはずで、勉強している人も多いと思い ます。もっとも大乗仏教圏の日本では、パーリ語よりも大乗仏典の言語であるサンスクリットやチベット語や漢文のほうが必要度が高いので、「サンスクリット の勉強のついでにパーリ語も勉強する」というのが実態かもしれません。
それだけに、参考書の数はサンスクリットに比べて少ないし、しかもほとんどがサンスクリットの知識を前提にして書かれているのが現状です。サンスクリッ トを勉強してからパーリ語を勉強する人にはいいのかもしれませんが、パーリ語だけを勉強しようと思うとけっこうやっかいです。勉強の環境はサンスクリット に比べて整っているとはいえません。乏しい情報の中で独学している人も多いと思います。
Материалы по методу Сун Лун Саядо.
At present, this site hosts mainly talks on Dhamma (including guided and metta meditation) by Ajahn Martin Piyadhammo, along with photos and further information.
Offers Vietnamese translations of much of the Tipitaka.
Pali-Chinese translations of the suttas.
The site has all the Chinese agamas, with some difficult terms underlined that can be mouse-overed for an explanation, and parallel Pali text in adjoining window.
A space for communication within Tai-Nan, Taiwan, and even the global village. In addition, it aims at introducing Theravada Buddhism to Dhamma friends in Taiwan.
Ce site en français est dévolu à la connaissance du bouddhisme theravâda.