
About Appamada Vihari Meditation Center
The number of practitioners who have attended Venerable Sayalay’s Sutta studies, meditation classes and retreats is increasing day by day. In order to better serve the growing number of students and for the convenience of propagating the Dhamma, Sayalay Susīla is establishing the Appamāda Viharī Meditation Centre, a permanent monastery in Penang. In Pāli, Appamāda Vihari means “dwelling in diligence.”
Bukit Mertajam

Wat Paa Dhammavana or "Dhamma in the forest" is a Buddhist sanctuary located at Bukit Mertajam


About the meditation:

The course emphasizes dynamic/active meditation which helps the meditator create the perfect balance between the inner and outer world. There are no rituals, no prayer, no blind faith. YOU discover truth YOURSELF with the guidance of a meditation master. You will learn how to find and correct those things in you that have been causing you suffering for all these years. You will become a master in your daily life.

Guide to meditation centres and monasteries/hermitages, mostly in Southeast Asia (in German and English).

Here you will find descriptions of retreat places that Dieter Baltruschat and others have kindly gathered and written down over the last few years. We try to keep this information accurate and up-to-date, so that it can be a reliable resource for Buddhist meditators.


Our vision is to sustain and advance the teachings and practices as taught by the Buddha whereby monastics and laypeople cultivate skillful means to realize true happiness.

We will host monks from Metta Forest Monastery (Wat Metta), San Diego County, USA, whose Abbot is Taan Ajaan Geoff (Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu), on Vancouver Island near Victoria, BC. The monks will practice in line with the Dhamma and Vinaya (training rules) taught by the Buddha over 2500 years ago. There will be opportunities for the public to participate by offering food, receiving teachings, and attending group meditation sessions.  As well, we organize day-long teachings offered by Taan Ajaan Geoff.


Insight meditation practice at the Center is inspired by the teachings of Thai Buddhist Meditation Master Luangpor Teean.

West Redding

Insight meditation practice at the Center is inspired by the teachings of Thai Buddhist Meditation Master Luangpor Teean.


Vipassana is een vorm van meditatie die ook wel inzichtmeditatie wordt genoemd. De vipassana-meditatie is ontwikkeld door de Boeddha; een lichte variant hiervan wordt gebruikt bij mindfulness-trainingen. Vipassana Haarlem organiseert een of twee keer per jaar een introductiecursus, naast andere activiteiten zoals een doorlopende groep, Insight Dialogue en themadagen.

De stichting stelt zich ten doel:

  • de beoefening van vipassana-meditatie, ook wel inzichtmeditatie genoemd, te bevorderen;
  • het stimuleren van de studie naar en het in praktijk brengen van de leer van de Boeddha;
  • het verrichten van alle verdere handelingen, die met het vorenstaande in de ruimste zin verband houden of daartoe bevorderlijk kunnen zijn.

What Does MIDL Mean?

The MIDL meditator seeks to find the middle path by neither suppressing nor avoiding any experience, but rather by softening into and unifying within the experience itself.



  • MIDL = Mindfulness In Daily Life
  • The Middle Way = MIDL is also a play on words that points towards the middle balance, or ‘Middle Way’ (MIDL Way) as revealed in the first talk given by the Buddha (SN 56:11).


What is MIDL Meditation?

The MIDL Meditation System is a systematic Buddhist insight meditation practice based on the Satipatthana Sutta, that has been designed for daily life. The MIDL meditator seeks to find the middle path by neither suppressing nor avoiding any experience, but rather by softening into and unifying within the experience itself. This path leads to the fading of attraction and aversion towards pleasant and unpleasant feeling and a seamless integration of meditation into daily life.

Medlow Bath

Established in 1989, the Centre is set in 2 acres of garden in Medlow Bath, a town in the beautiful Blue Mountains of New South Wales, 2 hours drive west of Sydney. The method of meditation followed in this Centre is Satipatthana Vipassana or Insight Meditation.




Ctihodný Dhammadípa se rozhodl šířit Buddhovo poselství v Evropě. Za tímto účelem založil Buddhistické centrum Lesní klid s cílem poskytnout prostor pro studium a praxi buddhismu a dalším duchovním směrům, které souzní s buddhistickou naukou. Název pochází ze sanskrtu, jednoho z kanonickým jazyků buddhismu. Shanta Vana lze přeložit do češtiny jako lesní klid či utišený les.


Clear Mountain’s first monastic, Venerable Nisabho, currently lives on the quiet periphery of the Seattle, going for alms most mornings at the Pike Place Market. On Saturday mornings, those interested gather at Saint Mark’s Cathedral for meditation and teaching. Another member of the Clear Mountain community, Ajahn Kovilo, contributes remotely for the time being and stays in the Seattle area during the winter and summer.

West Bengal

The Maha Bodhi Society of India is a charitable, non-profit Buddhist Association dedicated to fulfill the Mission of our Founder – Bodhisattva Anagarika Dharmapala, and for the propagation of The Buddha’s Message of wisdom, peace, compassion and non-violence towards all beings without discrimination of caste, creed, religion or nationality.

It is the premier international Buddhist organization founded by Bodhisattva Anagarika Dharmapala on 31st May 1891 at Colombo, Sri Lanka. At the onset, their main objective was to use it as a frontline vehicle for the worldwide followers of The Buddha, to have the right to worship the most holy Buddhagaya Temple, in Gaya district of the Bihar state, India – where Prince Siddhartha Gautama attained supreme Enlightenment, thus becoming The Tathagata Buddha. In addition, their objective was also to restore all places related to the life of The Buddha – The Most Compassionate One, to enable spread His unbounded Compassion upon sentient beings all over the World.
The Maha Bodhi’, the oldest Buddhist journal in English is being published by the Society since May 1892. It is through this journal, and other publications like Sambodhi, Dhammadhoot etc. the Society communicates and addresses with the world.

The Society has its centres in India with its Headquarters in Kolkata. It has centres in Buddhagaya, Sarnath, Lumbini, New Delhi, Bhubaneswar, Nowgarh and Lucknow. These centres not only propagate the Teaching of The Sakyamuni Buddha, but also are in social welfare activities and being of service to pilgrims of India and other countries by providing accommodation and necessary services.

The headquarters and the other centres of the society organise the Buddha Jayanti celebration on the auspicious day of Buddha Purnima (Vesak full moon day) and observe the Founder’s birth anniversary on 17th September each year.


Meditation centre with resident Buddhist nun

Kampung Sungai Tiram

Santi Forest Monastery provides an avenue for the training of monastics and lay devotees committed to striving towards the path to Nibbāṇa; to accumulating and perfecting their Pāramī (Perfections) through the practice of Sīla (Precepts), Samādhi (Concentration) and Paññā (Wisdom).

Bahn Bung Wai
Ubon Rajathani

Wat Pah Nanachat is a Buddhist monastery in Northeast Thailand, in the Theravada Forest Tradition. It was established by Ajahn Chah.


Ban Tai
Surat Thani

Kow Tahm Insight Meditation Centre is situated on a mountainside, amongst unspoilt jungle and coconut plantations, overlooking the southern shoreline of Koh Phangan. This beautiful location has been offering meditation retreats for over 25 years.

Monthly English retreat

A ten-day retreat in English is conducted from the 10th to 20th of each month.

There is no online or pre-registration. You must register in person at the Kow Tham Center from 8:30am-4.00pm on the first day of the retreat (10th of the month).

Monthly Russian retreat

A ten-day retreat in Russian is conducted from the 23rd to the 30th of each month. This retreat began in April and will continue every month indefinitely. A translator will interpret all instructions and teachings.

Retreat break

Occasionally we will have a month with no retreat, or with a private retreat, to give the staff a rest. Please check for notices on the Home page and on @KowThamCenter at Twitter, and also contact Kow Tham, before finalising your plans for a retreat.


The mission of Wat Pah Pateeparam is to train and preserve the Dhamma-Vinaya of Theravada Buddhism, the teachings and code of monastic discipline as laid down by the Buddha.


Wat Marp Jan (WMJ) is a Thai forest monastery established 29 years ago by the current Abbot, Ajahn Anan Akiñcano. Following from the tradition that Luang Pu Chah, Ajahn Anan’s teacher, had set up, there is a strong dedication to upholding the Dhamma-Vinaya, the monastic code and discipline laid down by the Buddha as well as keeping an environment of quietitude, simplicity and communal harmony.


Hong Kong
