Medlow Bath

Established in 1989, the Centre is set in 2 acres of garden in Medlow Bath, a town in the beautiful Blue Mountains of New South Wales, 2 hours drive west of Sydney. The method of meditation followed in this Centre is Satipatthana Vipassana or Insight Meditation.

A schedule of upcoming livestreams, online retreats, and virtual teachings from monastics worldwide was created as a way to gather the various livestream activities of Thai Forest monasteries that popped up during the COVID-19 pandemic. The intention is to support a more communal experience of participating in livestreams (remotely), and to collect livestreams in one place, so you can find live Dhamma on youtube without getting distracted by cat videos.


Ctihodný Dhammadípa se rozhodl šířit Buddhovo poselství v Evropě. Za tímto účelem založil Buddhistické centrum Lesní klid s cílem poskytnout prostor pro studium a praxi buddhismu a dalším duchovním směrům, které souzní s buddhistickou naukou. Název pochází ze sanskrtu, jednoho z kanonickým jazyků buddhismu. Shanta Vana lze přeložit do češtiny jako lesní klid či utišený les.

Khon Kaen

Pali Sandhi is a phonetic transformation from two words into a new word. The phonemes of the neighbouring words are changed and merged. Pali Sandhi word segmentation is more challenging than Thai word segmentation because Pali is a highly inflected language. This study proposes a novel approach that predicts splitting locations by classifying the sample Sandhi words into five classes with a bidirectional long short-term memory model. We applied the classified rules to rectify the words from the splitting locations. We identified 6,345 Pali Sandhi words from Dhammapada Atthakatha. We evaluated the performance of our proposed model on the basis of the accuracy of the splitting locations and compared the results with the dataset. Results showed that 92.20% of the splitting locations were correct, 1.10% of the Pali Sandhi words were predicted as non-splitting location words and 5.83% were not matched with the answers (incomplete segmentation).

Ajahn Chah (Phra Bodhinyana Thera) was one of the meditation teachers in the Thai forest tradition of Theravada Buddhism. He established many branch monasteries in Thailand and his Western disciples have carried the tradition to Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and America.

Talks of Ven. Pemasiri Thera with his student David Young about practical aspects of Buddha Dhamma at the Sumathipàla Na Himi Dhama Center in Kanduboda (Sri Lanka).

Dhammapada verses with stories of occasions when they have been uttered by the Buddha, in the translation of Daw Mya Tin.


A comprehensive introduction to the life and teachings of the Buddha according to the Theravadin School.

The site for everything about Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Tipitaka, lessons in Pali, Dhamma articles in English and Sinhala, extensive listings of viharas and meditation centres.

 The Venerable Amatha Gavesi was born in Walana, Panadura in Sri Lanka on 19 December 1918 with a mission to preserve and prolong the Buddha Sasana by reviving the essence of the teachings of the Buddha in a practical manner through guided meditation, to develop calmness and insight (Samatha-Vipassana) step-by-step, leading to the Ariya Path or the Noble way of life.

Venerable Kaṭukurunde Ñāṇananda, was born in 1940 to a family of Buddhist parents in Galle, Sri Lanka. He received his school education at Mahinda College, Galle, where he imbibed the true Buddhist values. In 1962 he graduated from the University of Peradeniya and served as an Assistant Lecturer in Pali at the same University for a brief period. He renounced his post in 1967 to enter the Order of Buddhist monks at Island Hermitage, Dodanduwa.

Already during the first phase of his life as a monk at Island Hermitage, Ven. Ñāṇananda had written four books which were published by the Buddhist Publication Society in Kandy under the titles.

  1. Concept and Reality in Early Buddhist Thought
  2. Saṁyutta Nikāya – An Anthology (Part II)
  3. Ideal Solitude
  4. The Magic of the Mind

Then in 1972 he left Island Hermitage for Meetirigala Nissarana Vanaya, where he came under the tutelage of the late Ven. Mātara Srī Ñāṇārāma Mahāthera, a veteran teacher of Insight Meditation.

The audio files of Nibbana sermons are available at:

Pali, Sinhala and English texts of Tipitaka.


This site is online Pāḷi Dictionary (Pāli to Chinese, Pāli to English, Pāli to Japanese, Pāli-Vietnamese, Pāli-Burmese).

See also Android app:


Clear Mountain’s first monastic, Venerable Nisabho, currently lives on the quiet periphery of the Seattle, going for alms most mornings at the Pike Place Market. On Saturday mornings, those interested gather at Saint Mark’s Cathedral for meditation and teaching. Another member of the Clear Mountain community, Ajahn Kovilo, contributes remotely for the time being and stays in the Seattle area during the winter and summer.

West Bengal

The Maha Bodhi Society of India is a charitable, non-profit Buddhist Association dedicated to fulfill the Mission of our Founder – Bodhisattva Anagarika Dharmapala, and for the propagation of The Buddha’s Message of wisdom, peace, compassion and non-violence towards all beings without discrimination of caste, creed, religion or nationality.

It is the premier international Buddhist organization founded by Bodhisattva Anagarika Dharmapala on 31st May 1891 at Colombo, Sri Lanka. At the onset, their main objective was to use it as a frontline vehicle for the worldwide followers of The Buddha, to have the right to worship the most holy Buddhagaya Temple, in Gaya district of the Bihar state, India – where Prince Siddhartha Gautama attained supreme Enlightenment, thus becoming The Tathagata Buddha. In addition, their objective was also to restore all places related to the life of The Buddha – The Most Compassionate One, to enable spread His unbounded Compassion upon sentient beings all over the World.
The Maha Bodhi’, the oldest Buddhist journal in English is being published by the Society since May 1892. It is through this journal, and other publications like Sambodhi, Dhammadhoot etc. the Society communicates and addresses with the world.

The Society has its centres in India with its Headquarters in Kolkata. It has centres in Buddhagaya, Sarnath, Lumbini, New Delhi, Bhubaneswar, Nowgarh and Lucknow. These centres not only propagate the Teaching of The Sakyamuni Buddha, but also are in social welfare activities and being of service to pilgrims of India and other countries by providing accommodation and necessary services.

The headquarters and the other centres of the society organise the Buddha Jayanti celebration on the auspicious day of Buddha Purnima (Vesak full moon day) and observe the Founder’s birth anniversary on 17th September each year.

This work gives a selection of verses that are recited when worshipping the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha; and a collection of discourses that are popularly used as Safeguards. Part of the chants found in this book are meant to be made every day, and part rotate on a weekly basis.

Nakhon Pathom

Pāli Platform is a standalone desktop application developed with Java technology. The program is written by J.R. Bhaddacak, started around the first quarter of 2019. The debut released in Jan 2020. The program is intended to be an open-source and free software for educational purpose. The main purpose of the programmer is to make a powerful research tool for Pāli language, the language of the Theravāda Buddhist canon. At the beginning phase, the program aims to be a reliable learning tool for the language. This goal is fulfilled in the first release. The ultimate goal of the program, but unpromised, is to be a machine translator of Pāli.

A revised and reconstructed translation of the Jātaka commentary, which tells of the previous lives of the Buddha, and his quest for Awakening.

Translated by T. W. Rhys Davids, Robert Chalmers, H.T. Francis, W.H.D. Rouse and E.B. Cowell 1880 – 1907.


Meditation centre with resident Buddhist nun