Pali kanon (ang. Pali Canon) je ogromen zbir zapisov v starodavnem indijskem jeziku pali, ki se glede na theravadsko šolo budizma jemlje kot dokončno recenzirana Buddhova beseda oz Dhammavinaya (učenje in disciplina). Tudi med učenjaki je na splošno vzeto, da je to najbolj pristen vir originalnih učenj zgodovinskega Gotama Buddhe. Znano je, da so nekateri menihi memorirali vsako Buddhovo učenje, ki ga je podal med svojih petinštiridesetletnim poučevanjem, besedo za besedo. Prvi tak menih je bil Ānanda, izbrani spremljevalec in stalni tovariš Buddhe zadnjih petindvajset let njegovega življenja. Da bi se lažje zapomnili besedila, so bila le ta notranje urejena na način, ki je omogočal enostavno pomnenje. Ta učenja so učitelji skozi leta ustno prenašali na učence. Združeni napori teh nadarjenih in predanih menihov so omogočili, da se je učenje, kot ga je poučeval Buddha, ohranilo v originalni obliki.

The Buddhist and Pali College of Singapore was set up in 1994 as another educational project, other than the Sunday Dhamma Classes, launched under the able guidance and patronage of late Venerable M M Mahaweera Maha Nayaka Thero. The college caters to the religious and educational needs of Singaporeans who eagerly seek ways to widen the horizon of their knowledge of Buddhism. The principal of this college is Venerable Dr. P Gnanarama Nayaka Maha Thero (PhD).

Pāli Passages with English Translation.

Compiled, partly translated & edited by Phra Claus Pabhaïkaro (Dr. Claus Sandler).

Online book that critically examines Christianity and highlights the logical, philosophical and ethical problems in Christian dogma providing Buddhists with facts which they can use when Christians attempt to evangelize them.


This rural meditation retreat facility is a branch of the Washington Buddhist Vihara.

It is the fulfillment of the long-held dream of Bhante Maharagama Dhammasiri to honor his beloved teacher, the late Ven. Madihe Pannasiha Mahanayaka Thera. Lion of wisdom is the translation of the pali word pannasiha. Panna means wisdom and siha is a lion. The lion is the fearless king of animals, while Wisdom is the fearless king of the mind.

It is the purpose of this center to be a refuge from the hustle and bustle of city life and provide access to the slower nature vibrations of the rural countryside conducive to mindfulness meditation practice. There has long been a need for a meditation retreat center not too far from the tri-state metropolitan areas of Washington, Maryland and Northern Virginia.

This is a forum for anyone with an interest in Pali language and literature, as well as Pali translation works. The oldest Theravada literature is written in Pali. Understanding Pali is like holding the key to the door to the rich contents of Pali Tipitaka. Although a large portion of it has been translated into several languages, it can be appreciated and understood in greater depth when it is studied in its original language.


Theravada Buddhist temple with resident monks from Sri Lanka.  Located in Ilford which is in the London Borough of Redbridge (north-eastern part of Greater London, bordering the county of Essex).  Ilford Train Station is a 3 minute walk from the temple.  Ilford Train Station is a 20 minute direct train journey from one of central London's main train stations (London Liverpool Street Train Station).  The monks are supported through daily alms by a community of lay supporters.  There are two daily pujas (chanting sessions reciting key teachings of the Buddha in the ancient Pali language) at 6:30am and 6:30pm, as well as weekend, monthly and yearly programmes and events.
  • Наставления Тханиссаро Бхиккху и ещё что-нибудь


White Salmon

In the hills above White Salmon and Bingen on the Washington side of the Columbia River Gorge, is the home of a small group of Theravada Buddhist monks. The Pacific Hermitage is a branch of Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery in Redwood Valley, California. Established in the summer of 2010 on five acres of leased land, the Hermitage is a place of solitude for these monks who devote their lives to meditation and simple living.

Strona zawiera pełny tekst Dhammapady, która jest najbardziej zwięzłym przedstawieniem nauk Buddy.

Mogok Sayadaw U Vimala (27 December 1899 - 17 October 1962) was a renowned Theravada Buddhist monk and vipassana meditation master.

The Mogok technique, developed and taught by Mogok Sayawdaw, elaborates on Buddha's teachings and emphasizes on the awareness of 'Arising' (phyit in Myanmar) and 'Passing away' (pyet in Myanmar) of everything, i.e., ( Impermanence or anicca) in body and mind. Sayadaw is known for his exposition of Paticcasamuppada (Dependent Origination), Samsara (endless rounds of rebirth) and the importance of practicing meditation Vipassana.

The Transnational Network of Theravada Studies (TNTS) is a non-profit organisation with the following aims: 

  • Support and coordination of academic research on Theravada Buddhism in its developed and living traditions as well as their history
  • Organization of transnational exchange among scholars of all levels and backgrounds
  • Creation, coordination and support of research projects and output in the field
  • Documentation of and information about publications in the field
  • Knowledge transfer and outreach to a wider audience
  • Improvement and facilitation of
    • field access
    • academic and technical training
    • access to resources, expertise and placement
  • A special objective of the TNTS is to encourage and support cooperative research and educational activities among scholars and scientific institutions from Asian and non-Asian countries

TNTS welcomes students, scholars and institutions or research groups engaged in the study of Theravada Buddhism to join as members.


Wat Palelai was founded on 3 Apr 1962 by Phrakru Prakassa Dhammakhun, who was also fondly known as Luang Phor, meaning "Venerable Father". Wat Palelai (Wat means "Temple" in Thai) practises the Theravada Buddhist Tradition, in the Meditation Forest Tradition of Thailand.
The name Palelai is derived from the Pali name, Parileyyaka, after Parileyyaka Forest. It reminds us of the occasion when the Buddha went into retreat in the Parileyyaka Forest in search of solitude after the monks in Kosambi did not take his advice in settling a quarrel among themselves.  During the period of his retreat in the forest, he was cared for by a monkey and elephant until the monks finally came to their senses and were reconciled.
Thus, Palelai is symbolic of a place of retreat and peace.

 Parittas, with full Pali texts, recited by Mingun Sayadaw U Vicittasara. You can also watch a YouTube video of the same discourses recited by Sayadaw U Candasiri.



State Pariyatti Sasana University of Mandalay (SPSU), one of the first two Buddhist Universities, is a Buddhist institution, founded by Mingun Sayadaw Bhaddanta Viccittasarabhivamsa under the instruction of State Samgha Mahanayaka Committee with the aim of emergence of monks who are able to do missionary work at home and abroad, and it was opened on 21, August, 1986. This University under the guidance of Bhaddanta Jotikabhivamsa as the first Rector, and Bhaddanta Sitthila the registrar, commenced Sasanatakkasila Mahadhammacariya (M.A, Buddhism) Degree programme joined with the 3 faculties - Vinaya, Suttanta and Abhidhamma - and including 19 teachers administrative personnel and 37 student-monks, who had to study the subjects for 2 years fixed with writing thesis within 3 years.

In 1989 (1351 ME), Sasanatakksila Dhammacariya (B.A, Buddhism) Degree programme was started to change for the students who had passed the Pathamagyi-level examination. To them, 4 years for the academic learning are fixed with term paper of pages 50 to 100 and meditation practice for ten days after their final examination. Apart from the three faculties as the main subjects, Departments of Pāli Literature, Myanmar Literature, English and Propagation of Buddhist Desana were extended as the minor subjects. The University now offers Sasanatakksila Dhammacariya (B.A, Buddhism), Sasanatakksila Mahadhammacariya (M.A, Buddhism) and Ph.D. (Sasanatakkasila Dhamma Paragu) Degree.

More than that, the University provides a month course on traditional medicine for the fourth-year students and third-year students and, encourages the development of religious spirits to the monks, having passed the final examination, who are going to work in the missionary work at the border and remote areas and before presenting a thesis, sends them to practice meditation under the guidance of meditators at Mahasi Meditation Centre.

Il CANONE PĀLI, o Tipitaka [triplice canestro], l’insieme delle opere che racchiudono l’insegnamento del Buddha, fu redatto tra il II e il III concilio buddhista tenuti rispettivamente a Vesali nel 340 a.C. e a Pataliputta nel 247 o 246 a.C. Viene tradizionalmente suddiviso in tre canestri (pitaka) in base al contenuto dei testi:  

I) Vinayapitaka, il canestro della Disciplina
costituisce il supporto alla vita monastica del Sangha; è stato redatto in pali nel I secolo a. C. e c’è pervenuto nella sua interezza in lingua originale; degli altri possediamo solo alcune parti o antiche traduzioni in tibetano o cinese. Viene diviso in tre parti: Suttavibhanga, Khandhaka e Purivara.

II) Suttapitaka, il canestro dei Discorsi
contiene una grande varietà di opere che differiscono notevolmente sia per stile letterario sia per contenuto. Esso è diviso in cinque “raccolte” o “gruppi” (nikaya) di testi:

1. Digha Nikaya - Raccolta [dei discorsi] lunghi — contiene 34 discorsi suddivisi in tre gruppi (vagga);
2. Majjhima Nikaya – Raccolta [dei discorsi] medi — è costituita da 152 discorsi del Buddha e dei suoi principali discepoli;
3. Samyutta Nikaya – Raccolta [dei discorsi] riuniti — comprende 2.889 sutta raggruppati in cinque sezioni (vagga);
4. Anguttara Nikaya– Raccolta dei discorsi in progressione — conta almeno 2.308 discorsi raggruppati in 11 sezioni (nipata);
5. Khuddaka Nikaya – Raccolta [dei testi] brevi — comprende 15 testi.

III) Abhidhammapitaka, il canestro della Legge
costituisce il terzo canestro, pitaka, del Canone. Il suo contenuto comprende l’analisi, straordinariamente dettagliata, dei principi che governano i processi fisici e mentali. L’Abhidhammapitaka comprende sette opere: Dhammasangani, Vibhanga, Dhatukatha, Puggalapannati, Kathavatthu, Yamaka, Patthana.


Meditation society headed by Achan Sobin (Namto Bhikkhu Sopako Bodhi).

Offering a precise, moment-to-moment mindfulness technique in the Thai/Burmese tradition. Learn sitting/walking meditation, the "Sixteen Stages of Insight," mindful eating, and more.


See also:


Skiptvet Buddhist Monastery is located in the quiet, peaceful countryside of Østfold County, south of Oslo, and is surrounded by fields and forests. It is a place conducive to learning about Buddhism, to practising mindfulness, and to developing peace inside. Although there is much time for individual meditation and contemplation, visitors should be aware that this is not a retreat centre. The emphasis here is on applying the Buddhist Path in all activities throughout the day, and not just during formal meditation. During their stay, guests are expected to take part in the daily routine, and also to help out with certain tasks.

There are now western monks in residence who have been invited here to found the first Scandinavian "forest monastery". The monks belong to the lineage of Ajahn Chah, which is part of the Thai forest tradition.

See also:

Samatha (concentration) meditation on buddho is a traditional buddhist meditation system. By developing  concentration the mind becomes steady and calm. Within a calm mind wisdom can arise naturally.

On our website you can find more about this meditation system, it's teachers, and buddhism in general. Everybody is welcome, contact us through our website for more information.