Blog by Suvaco Bhikkhu featuring books on history, language and traditions.
A non-profit organization devoted solely to the dissemination of the Buddha’s Dhamma and charitable activities that help in the spread of Buddha-Dhamma around the globe and the alleviation of suffering everywhere.
Wat Buddhadhamadharo (aka. Wat Concord) residing at Concord, California was found to gratify and commemorate Ven Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo, Asokaram temple, Samutprakan, Thailand, who was a significant disciple of Ven Luangpu Mun Bhuritatto a grand master of Thailand forest tradition Buddhism. In addition, this monastery is one of few official branch monasteries of Asokaram temple.
Ven Roemchai Chinwangso with 37 vassa (years in robe), the abbot of Wat Buddhadhammadharo, has ordained into monkhood since May 18th, 1975 at Asokaram temple, Thailand. He named the organization after the monastic name of Pra Sutthidham Rangsi Kampeera Mathajarn (aka. Ven Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo) at Asokaram Temple.
Abhidhamma tutorials, Pāli tutorials.
Mahamevnawa Buddhist Meditation Center of New Jersey Inc (MBMNJ) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the practice and teaching of Buddha Gotama known as Theravada Buddhism. MBMNJ is a New Jersey (US) branch of Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery of Sri Lanka.
It is our mission to advance the Buddha’s teachings of generosity, morality, and meditation and to enhance the spiritual life of our members and the general public through cultivating friendship, compassion, and wisdom. The services of this organization are open to any member of the public interested in learning and practicing Theravada Buddhism.
MBMNJ’s ultimate motive is to foster a deeper practice of the Buddhist ethics for the well-being of individuals, families and society at large, to help individuals of all ethnic and religious backgrounds to find peace and mental calmness through concentration and mindfulness and to promote the study and application of insight meditation (vipassana) which will ultimately lead to the attainment of Nirvana.
Mahamevnawa is a group of monasteries established for spiritual development through the teachings of the Sakyamuni Buddha (600 B.C.). Our wish is to help you purify your mind and reach the ultimate goal of realization of Nirvana, the true and unbound liberation of the self. The Mahamevnawa has established over 50 branches and provides teaching of the Buddha's doctrine and guidance for those who wish to live by His teachings. Thousands upon thousands have joined us to practice this joyous way of development of the mind and to walk in the path towards true liberation. It has been 14 years since we began our compassionate service for mankind. Dear friends, we invite you to come and see for yourself, the wondrous Four Noble Truths, the Buddha's incomparable way to the cessation of suffering.
The Sunshine Meditation Center (Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery Florida) is a place for everyone, regardless of background or experience, to learn and practice the ancient teachings of the Buddha. You will discover a like-minded community of people who are interested in finding happiness that is not based on endless consuming and accumulating of more and more things. By learning and practicing the teachings of the Buddha, you will gain a peace and happiness that is not tied to the ups and downs of ordinary life.
Here in Florida, the Center is led by monks ordained and trained in the oldest tradition of Buddhism, Theravada. Through their guidance we are able to provide many opportunities for you to learn all of the Buddha’s teachings of mindfulness, meditation, morality, and generosity. We have several meditation activities as well as other chances to learn the teachings.
The Pali Primer is a publication of the Vipassana Research Institute. It aims to provide an elementary understanding of the Pali language.
See also Pali Primer video lessons by Bhante Suddhāso:
Another edition:
Answer key:
Memory cards:
Online Pāli language courses offered free of charge:
- Introduction to Pāli;
- Exploring the Path - Pāli course.
Страницата е некомерсиална, и единствената и цел е споделяне на Дамма материали на български език.
This is the Dhamma Blog of Bhikkhu Jayasāra. On this Blog you will find a variety of dhamma related content from the internet in addition to articles and media created by Bhante J.
Bhikkhu Jayasāra, or “Bhante J” as most call him, is an American born Buddhist monastic who currently resides at Bhavana Society of West Virginia. He was born in 1978 and raised Catholic. He came to Buddhism in his late 20s and officially took refuge and precepts to become a practicing Buddhist lay disciple on Vesak in 2008. in 2011 He took the Eight Lifetime Precepts with Bhante Gunaratana and was given the name Jayantha.
By this point the practice had instilled in him a desire to become a monastic. Bhante J began to regularly attend retreats and weekend visits to Bhavana and learned all he could about the monastic life. While searching for the journeys of people on their journey into homelessness, he found little to no print or video documentation of this journey that would be of use to him on his own, and so decided to document his own journey, both for his own benefit and those who may find benefit from this documentation in the future.
It was at this point that the vlog series “A Journey Into Homelessness” on the youtube channel “Student of the Path” was born. Followed shortly after by Student of the Path Tumblr Blog “” . From 2012 to current Bhante J has documented his journey from lay life, to coming to live at Bhavana Society in September of 2014, becoming Anagarika in March of 2015, his Pabbajja(going forth) ordination to become a Sāmaṇera in October of 2015 and most recently his Upasampadā, or higher ordination to Bhikkhu in October of 2016.
You will find on this blog a variety of things, from continuing documentation on his journey, life at the monastery, to a variety of methods used to disseminate the dhamma, including written, video,audio, and graphical.
Bodhisaddha provides a forest sanctuary in which monks and laypeople have the opportunity to encounter and practice the path of spiritual development taught by the Buddha.
The resident community of monks have an ideal environment to cultivate lives of meditation and service, while allowing visitors to receive teachings and to develop qualities of generosity, faith, mindfulness and wisdom in line with the Buddhist path.
Dedicated towards bringing peace into the lives of individuals and the surrounding community, Bodhisaddha welcomes all traditions that share this vision.
Wise reflections by Godwin Samararatne.
Blog about living a deep and meaningful life by Tyler Lewke.
Dhamma talks by Ven Vimuththa Therani.
Aloko Udapadi foundation aims to guide people in the journey to the supreme bliss of Nibbana - the state of enlightenment expounded by the Supreme Gauthama Buddha according to the Theravada tradition.
This Guidance helps achieve the eight levels of enlightenment comprised of four paths and four destinations.
They are Sowan path-enterer and its destination, the state of Sowan; Sakadagami path-enterer and its destination, the state of Sakadagami (once-returner); Anagami path-enterer and its destination, the state of Anagami (non-returner); and finally, Arahath path-enterer and its destination, the state of Arahath (the fully enlightened one).
The guidance to Nibbana by Aloko Udapadi foundation is performed by means of discussions of the pure dhamma and in-depth meditation with one main goal-ceasing the cycle (ariya) of births. The result of which is ceasing of all suffering comprised of sorrow (shoka) lamentation (paridava), pain (dukkha), grief (domanassa) and despair (upayasa).
Sutta-pitaka: Koš rozprav pálijského kánonu přednesených Buddhou a jeho předními žáky.
The monastery is situated in the western suburb of Ellen Grove and its premises has been blessed with a flourishing Bo-Tree which not only evokes the deep devotion in the minds of people, but also lifts the aesthetics of the surrounding serene environment. SLBM is maintained by the Buddhist community and it serves the spiritual needs of a large number of devoted Buddhists residing in suburban Brisbane and also, other provincial cities and towns in Queensland. The volunteer work of the Resident monks and the supportive role played by the laity by way of monetary donations help the long-term sustenance and progressive development of the monastery.
Indonesian Buddhist Website. It contains the basic teaching of Buddha Gotama, news, history, Dhamma articles, paritta, Dhammapada, wallpaper, ebooks, ecards, and flash animations. Only in Indonesian language.
Website agama Buddha di Indonesia, berisi ajaran dasar Buddha Gotama, berita, sejarah, artikel Dhamma, paritta, Dhammapada, wallpaper, ebook, ecard, dan animasi flash.
Ein Dor Buddhist Vipassana Meditation Center headed by the monk and teacher Ofer Adi (disciple of the Venerable Ajarn Tong Sirimangalo), was established to promote Dharma in Israel. The center is situated at kibbutz Ein Dor at the foot of Mt. Tavor and provides training for people who are interested in learning about and practicing vipassana meditation. The center is open to new and experienced practitioners all year round.
Hillside Hermitage is a small hermitage for Buddhist monks of the Theravada Forest Tradition. It’s located near the Knuckles mountain range in central Sri Lanka. Founded few years ago by Ajahn Nyanamoli Thero (Ninoslav Molnar) , (who has received his Upasampada ordination in the Thai Forest Meditation Tradition over ten years ago) and Venerable Thaniyo Bhikkhu, who joined him shortly afterwards. Venerable Thaniyo received his Upasampada over half a dozen of years ago in the same Forest meditation tradition of Thailand. Couple of years later, Venerable Pannaratana Bhikkhu, originally ordained by the Most Venerable Bhante Henepola Gunaratana at Bhavana Society in USA, has also joined the Hillside Hermitage Sangha.