Blog on Burmese Buddhism.
Stories, Teachings and Reflections on Buddhist Practice.
Travel Guide to the Buddha's Path - free eBook.
Trusting In Buddha is the blog of a British lay practitioner and enthusiastic photographer.
The Buddha’s ethical trainings for laypeople have the power to bring about profound transformations. At present these teachings are available, but not readily accessible. To comprehend the words of the Buddha requires a broader context than our consumer culture provides.
There are scores of highly qualified meditation teachers, and many, many books about the various techniques. But there is very little written about the behavioral trainings the Buddha encouraged, and hardly anything directed at 21st century, “first-world” readers. So – here it is.
The posts in this blog are written from a Theravadin buddhist perspective, in the lineage of Ajahn Chah.
Dhamma Blog by Bhante Sopāka.
Theravada practice blog, in the lineage of Ven. Bhikkhu Katukurunde Nyanananda and Ven. Bhikkhu Sri Matara Nyanarama Mahathera.
Empty Bell's resource page on inter-fatih issues. Includes articles, books and links.
The collection of Prof. Mukherjee articles in honor of his visit to Taiwan:
- Attā, Nirattā, and anattā in the early Buddhist literature;
- The Riddle of the First Buddhist Council - A Retrospection;
- A Pre-Buddhist Medition System and its Early Modifications by Gotama the Boddhisattva(1);
- A Pre-Buddhist Meditation System and its Early Modifications by Gotama the Bodhisattva(Ⅱ);
- Buddha's Humanism -- Ideal means to desired goals;
- Gotama Becomes the Buddha--Reconstruction of the Nikāya Account of the Path;
- On the Earliest Path to the tathāgatahood: A study in Nikāya traditions;
- Gotama becomes the Buddha--An Analysis of the Nikāya Tradition.
This website serves the constituency of scholars engaged in the study of Theravada Buddhism. It provides information on research findings, teaching materials, bibliographies, audio-visual resources and offers opportunities in to engage in scholarly discussion.
It is intended to share with the general public some of the activities undertaken by the Theravāda Civilizations Project which has been developed by Juliane Schober at Arizona State University and Steven Collins at the University of Chicago with generous support from the Henry Luce Foundation and its Asia Responsive Grants Initiative.
The project supports collaborative exchanges among scholars based in the US, Canada, Britain, and Southeast Asia with the aim to undertake a thematic study of Theravāda civilizations in South and Southeast Asia. Begun in 2011, the project facilitates conferences (Toronto, 2012, Arizona 2013, and Chiang Mai in 2014); workshops for doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers; and the publication of edited research collections. The work of project scholars draws on approaches from the humanities and social sciences, including history, anthropology, ethnography and textual studies of Pali and vernacular literatures.
In order to bring the transdisciplinary study of Theravada civilizations to a broader community of scholars, the Theravada Civilizations Project initiated a professional group, the Theravada Studies Group (TSG), affiliated with the Association for Asian Studies.
A scholarly examination of the transmission of Theravada Buddhist teachings from the Burmese lineage of the Mahasi Sayadaw to the rapidly growing community of Vipassana practitioners in the U.S.A.
Measureless Mind is dedicated to everyone who draws inspiration from the discourses collected in the Pāli Nikāyas and who is motivated to practice the Buddhadhamma and live their lives in accord with these teachings.
This document provides information regarding graduate studies programs in the field of Asian philosophy and religion (including Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism or Taoism), housed by several dozen educational institutions worldwide.
Many people find it hard to cope with the stress and issues of daily life. The online Mindfulness Training Course (MTC) offers a full range of practical teachings and exercises.
Based on the Buddha’s teachings, MTC shows the immense value of mindfulness as a tool for reduction of stress, inner peace and cultivation of a wise approach to challenging circumstances.
With the course addressing such areas as ethics, meditation, communication and freedom, participants can benefit directly by joining the 13 week course with a personal mentor.
It welcomes scholarly contributions pertaining to all facets of Buddhist Studies.
The JIABS is published twice yearly, in summer and winter.
The Buddhist Forum was first published by the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (issues numbered 1 through 5), and by the Institute of Buddhist Studies, Tring, UK (number 6). The series made public research initially presented as part the series of seminars hosted by SOAS between 1987 and 1997, also known as the Buddhist Forum.
Buddhist Studies Review is now published by Equinox on behalf of the UK Association for Buddhist Studies. The Association was founded in 1996 and two years later took over publication of Buddhist Studies Review, which had been run since 1983 by Russell Webb and Sara Boin-Webb.
See the archive of back issues:
Listen to dharma talks offered by Tara Brach and guest teachers at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington.